Tagged: podcast



Loyal listener Jordyn picked this week’s movie, so we invited her along to discuss with us the utterly disturbing 2012 film, Sinister, starring Ethan Hawke.

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Not many people outside the die-hard horror circles have even heard of George Romero’s vampire tale, Martin. Sometime between Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead, he made a few movies that failed to connect with a large audience. This would be one of them.

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The Fly (1986)

Our good friend and self-professed Jeff Goldblum fanatic, Simone, joins us on an adventure into sadness and absolutely disgusting makeup effects.


Near Dark

Our tribute episode to the late, great Bill Paxton, who puts a chilling yet lovable turn on the classic vampire-biker-western genre.

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House (1986)

So it’s a bit goofy and dated, but where else can you see The Greatest American Hero as a popular novelist and PTSD-afflicted Vietnam War vet wresting his son back from his aunt’s evil house? Nowhere else, my friends. Nowhere else.