2 Guys and a Chainsaw

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How to Rate and Review the 2 Guys & A Chainsaw podcast

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Thanks for your support by subscribing to the show! In order to reach the goal of having our podcast on the top-ten-list of Apple Podcasts please take 5 minutes to leave a rating, review and/or comment:

How to leave a podcast review using Apple’s Podcast app

  1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “2 Guys and a Chainsaw”. Tap the album art.
  3. On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.
  4. Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your password to login, if necessary.
  5. Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.
  6. Submit a brief honest review.

How to leave a podcast review at Apple Podcasts

  1. Go to the Apple Podcasts page of 2 Guys and a Chainsaw podcast.
  2. Click the Listen on Apple Podcasts button.

3. In the Apple Podcasts app, find the Ratings and Reviews section and click “Write a Review”.
4. Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.
5. Submit a brief honest review.

Thank you for taking the time! Getting more ratings, reviews and subscribers is an important part of gaining more listeners so we can keep making episodes for you.

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