Tagged: comedy

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The Babysitter (2017)

First, head over to Netflix to watch this right away. Then, drop back here to listen to our thoughts and see if you take our side over this somewhat divisive film directed by McG.

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House (1986)

So it’s a bit goofy and dated, but where else can you see The Greatest American Hero as a popular novelist and PTSD-afflicted Vietnam War vet wresting his son back from his aunt’s evil house? Nowhere else, my friends. Nowhere else.

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Shaun of the Dead

Simon Pegg’s debut to American audiences fires on all cylinders as a rollicking comedy. Yet it’s the strong characters and heart that elevates this far above most of the other horror comedies we’ve reviewed thus far.

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Student Bodies (1981)

We both found plenty to laugh at in this Naked Gun-style send-up of pre-1982 horror films.

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The Monster Squad

The three of us enjoyed chatting about this “Goonies for horror fans,” delivered like a time capsule from the 1980’s. We kinda wonder why it isn’t more popular today.