The Green Inferno
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It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a cannibal-themed horror film. Eli Roth’s passion project is a shout-out to the genre, and we really, REALLY wanted to like it.
Find out why it left a bad taste in our mouths in this week’s episode.
The Green Inferno (2013)
Episode 17, 2 Guys and a Chainsaw
Todd: Welcome to another edition of Two Guys and a Chainsaw.
right. And, uh, today we decided to watch, uh, the new Eli Roth film, The Green Inferno. This is his third or fourth film right
Craig: now as a director. I think. I think actually, yeah, I think this was his third and I think that he’s done one since, as a director, but he’s produced lots of other films.
That’s true.
Todd: Knock knock was the other one he did write as a director more recently. Yeah. And I saw
Craig: that recently. It was terrible. It was horrible. It’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Oh,
Todd: kidding. Wow. Okay. Well, that’s good to know, you know, I, I saw cabin fever. Right. Which was his first one. And then I really enjoyed that one.
I thought it. Showed a guy who clearly enjoys horror movies and has a sense of humor about them that he’s not afraid to just splash up there. It was a little self-referential. It was a little. Like horror movies tend to be in this post scream era, right. Where we sort of make movies about movies, which I, it gets kind of old after awhile, but there was something about cabin fever that just seemed a little more fun than that.
Craig: Yeah. I mean, I’m kinda touch and go with him. I liked, uh, cabin fever a lot too. I thought hostel part one, which he also directed was good for what it was. Um, and I actually thought that hostel part two, which he also directed was better than the first one, but then, you know, there. Been a couple that are, well, I mean, I guess that’s really kind of all
Todd: these directly, we named them.
All right. And knock, knock was horrible. You said it
Craig: well, I really didn’t like it. Uh, and it’s, it’s funny because the, one of the, the principal stars of that film was the young lady who, in this. Movie plays the lead Alejandro or no, not Al Justine, Justine. And, uh, that’s his wife, Eli Roth, his wife. And, uh, she wasn’t bad in the movie.
I just thought that the, I, I just, I just hated the whole premise, the whole script. I just didn’t care for it at all, but, but I, I kinda know what you’re talking about because that’s I, with the post scream kind of feel, cause I kind of felt the same way about this one. It’s got kind of. Cynicism to it. Like it wants to be self-aware and it wants to kind of be kind of in jokey and just tonally.
It felt a little weird, especially in the beginning, like in the beginning, it almost felt like we were watching like a college campus. Comedy for awhile.
Todd: Try too hard. Is that what you’re
Craig: getting at? Right. And th the characters seem to be too, I don’t
Todd: know, just carbon copied, pulled
Craig: from other films. Right.
Right. You know, just your cynical 20 somethings. Very self-involved think that they can save the world, that whole opening part. I was just kind of feeling, this is just all right. I mean, once they got to the Amazon, I thought things took a turn for the better for me. What did you think? Well,
Todd: you’re right.
The movie star, I was very unimpressed with it. Starting out extremely unimpressed. Actually it felt really amateurish. It did not seem like this. Guy’s a fourth film. After I really felt like his previous movies were more or less felt really professional. I cabin fever was a little, but once you get to hostel and the others, the quality of the acting was pretty good.
The quality of the dialogue, which he wrote, if I’m not mistaken, was. Pretty good in those films. I agree. And this, I felt the dialogue was terrible. It was forced. And it sounded like he was trying really hard to make that kind of goofy college film with characters who were saying clever, witty things that weren’t clever and witty.
Right, right. They were
Craig: played that way, especially, you’ve got the main girl Justine and in the beginning she has this kind of emo roommate, beautiful girl. But it just, the character seemed really forced. I mean, she’s saying just the quippy kind of stuff. And he was like, emo. Yeah. That’s so gay. And that’s so retarded, you know, stuff that is even dated for 2015.
Quite honestly, I don’t really talk like
Todd: that very much. And this is firmly planted in, what’s supposed to be, you know, 2015. Of course the movie was shot in 2013. I don’t know if two years makes that big of a difference. I don’t know. Have we changed that much since, but, but even so I think the quality of the acting was bad.
It was over the top. Yeah. Hurricanes, especially. So I go to
Craig: this party and Scott’s like, you should totally rush. And I’m like, that’s retarded. That’s where it’s, we’re stupid enough to go to Dartmouth linger, strike. You’re one of them I can tell, or I’m just not hungry or you secretly want to starve yourself.
What growth does it? I know those girls give a fuck about the janitors. They just don’t want to look like they’re indirect, sick. None of them, not one. So what are they doing on the line at nine on a Sunday? The only thing those those are scared about is looking like they care. It’s just a mirror demonstration.
If he’s their fucking white, stupid, suburban Jewish guilt, high and shoe, it.
Todd: Oh the whole time. And I got really sick of seeing her on the screen and I’m not often that way I can put up with a lot, but I really couldn’t wait for that character to go away.
Craig: Yeah. And I’m not sure who that actress is. I don’t remember her name.
I, I think that she’s not famous for acting. I think that she’s a musician. I believe. And her IMDV page. She’s got a few credits, but not very many. So, you know, maybe she’s just, you know, a little bit out of her element. I think that they initially, when they cast her, they kind of made a big deal out of it.
I think that she was kind of a name again. I don’t really know who she is, but I’m old. So, uh, who knows, but did
Todd: you ever even catch her character’s name now? Either?
Craig: And I was really. Pretty relieved when she didn’t end up going on
Todd: the trip with them. At the same time, I was, I was shocked that she didn’t because I thought I was thinking to myself, Oh, this is going to be just like this kind of movie where somehow she’s going to get roped in the one woman who was cynical about her roommate getting wrapped up in these causes.
That’s the other thing that I thought was really stupid about the beginning of the movie was. It seemed like these college kids are obsessed with causes. Right. And I know that that is part of the point that he was trying to make in the movie, but it came across really forced and fake. Like no college kid is spending their day and their night.
I don’t care if you’re a freshmen, uh, obsessed with. The people who are petitioning outside of their window, and then very interested in the leader of that group and looking at them and glancing at them from afar in the cafeteria and out and about it seems like every conversation they have is revolving around, uh, how stupid it is, how gay it is to be involved in some cause.
And not a particular cause it’s just the whole notion of being involved in activism. Well,
Craig: I really, I, I really think that that is the social commentary that he was going for. I think that he was trying to be critical of. The part of our culture, probably particularly youth culture, you know, college aged kids who claim to have these really noble motives for their cause, but really that, you know, that annoying girl, the annoying roommate in the beginning, somebody, she said something about this group who is protesting on campus for health insurance, for their custodians.
The group is called act, don’t think act, but the girl says these people only care. About looking like they care. And I think that that is a big part of what he’s trying to get at that these. And really, I guess our main character Justine kind of has really some naive notion that she can really make a difference, but as it turns out, the leaders of the group really do only care about the publicity and really do only care about.
You know how many reshared tweets they get or, you know, making the front page of Reddit because of their activism or whatever the cause really is secondary, but it’s a good ploy for getting their faces on the banner.
Todd: Yeah. And I agree. And I, and I can see clearly that that’s what he was trying to do, but didn’t you feel like it was clunky and forced to the way you were ham-fisted this down.
This girl. I think we both laughed out loud when this girl Justine who’s clearly on the fence, it’s like, she’s curious about activism and she wants to get involved, but it’s like, she has no experience with it, but there’s an allure cause she’s a freshman and it’s not quite clear what the allure is until she gets in that classroom.
Where it’s must be an anthropology class or something. And the teacher is talking about female genital mutilation. She’s describing it. She’s holding up a tool that shows that they’ve got pictures going and immediately she gets incensed. It’s like, ah, now I’ve found the cause that I can really get pissed off about, she raises her hand and she’s like, somebody needs to do, we need to get the lawyers in on this.
And she says insane.
Craig: There’s an ambassador in East 44th street, who should be doing something about this. My father is a lawyer
Todd: at the UN of course he, why wouldn’t he be? But okay. As clunky as that was to slip that in and it does end up being important to the story that her father is. So if your father is a lawyer for the UN.
How are you coming from a position where you don’t know anything about activism? And this seems like such a foreign thing to you. It doesn’t even jive with what her character’s background would be. I mean,
Craig: I guess it’s supposed to highlight her immaturity. And I think that that was something that, again, a little bit more social commentary, you know, she goes, and this, this class must just be kind of a survey because you know, she, the professor talks about female mutilation for.
Like three or four minutes, and then now let’s move on to the ant problem. Like here’s, here’s the problems in Africa, you know, just real quick, run them off. But you know, her response, obviously from our cultural perspective, we are going to have a very negative response to the concept of female, uh, female genital mutilation, but.
I think that what some people fail to believe, and I’m certainly not supporting the practice at all, but it’s something that’s ingrained in their culture, you know, to, to just have a knee jerk reaction where, Oh, these are savages who we need to civilize, you know, that’s, that’s a really imperialistic. View right.
And, you know, that’s something that’s been explored in film and literature in a much more intellectual and, and interesting way, you know, like heart of darkness or, or even apocalypse now or something like that. Uh, and. I, I guess, I think what he’s trying to do is, is kind of highlight our ignorance and our no centricity.
I don’t know, but you’re right. It does. It just, it’s very heavy handed. It’s like, okay, we have to establish this in the beginning so that we can just get them there and start chopping people up. Um, you know, it doesn’t really. Seem like much like with the students in the film, it doesn’t really seem like the cause is really at the forefront.
Todd: Well, and that’s the thing, you know, these cannibal films started out really making a social statement. That was almost the opposite of this film. That, whereas this film seems to be the main messages don’t get involved in causes because you’re stupid and you can’t actually do anything. The message of the earlier films.
You know, we’ve both seen cannibal Holocaust, which documents a group of people who, and we’re going to have to do that on the show sometime. Right. But I mean, they’ll just, if it is, it’s a group of people who go into make ostensibly, make a documentary. But ended up treating the natives pretty horribly.
And as a result, the natives turned the tables on them and it sort of shows that they’re out of their element, but in a way that they’re being imperialists, they’re not trying to save these natives. They’re not activists, they’re jerks and they’re getting their comeuppance. This is a movie where people are genuinely trying to be, to make a difference in the world and much like.
The tribes who are, you can say the general mutilation is awful, but it’s just ingrained in their culture. They don’t know that it’s medically, you know, dismissive and doesn’t actually do anything the same thing with these kids. They’re naive, but that’s what you are when you’re a freshman in high school or college.
And that comes from a good place. So I almost see the message of this movie as a really crappy message in a sense. I realize it’s just a framework for showing us some Gore. And, but if he’s trying to make a statement with this movie, it’s kind of a crummy statement, I think, um, it’s not fair. It’s not fair to these characters who are genuinely trying to do some good things to show that.
Yeah, don’t do that because, uh, you’re so naive. You’re going to get yourself
Craig: killed. Right. Well, and, and I guess I, I guess part of the message is. Leave well enough alone. It’s really none of your concern. You know, these, these people are, you know, in the end spoilers, always guys. Uh, but Justine is the only one to, to make it out.
I mean, this is a big group of, of activists. I couldn’t even keep track of all their names. What 10, probably on them, at least it’s another one of
Todd: those too many characters in the beginning movie, but then you realize it’s just because they want to kill off half of them right
Craig: away, and you don’t have to care about them and you don’t, or at least I didn’t find myself really caring about any of the characters except potentially Justine.
But even she, when, when she finally does escape, when she comes back, she fabricates a story. So that the natives end up looking peaceful and helpful as opposed to brutal, I guess. So that there’ll be left alone, like, so that there won’t be any retribution for the death of. Young American students,
Todd: that she can feel that she did make a difference.
And that is her version of, of activism. Now that she’s come back, like she’s accomplishing the goal they set out to do, but in a very twisted Twilight Zoney way at the end.
Craig: Yeah. I guess it’s, it’s, it’s odd. It’s not execution. It didn’t
Todd: work. I mean, it didn’t work for me. I don’t know. I, I don’t require that my movies like have a moral message.
Right. But when you have a movie that seems to be trying to wrap a moral message around it. That’s gotta be solid. And this to me was on shaky
Craig: ground. Yeah. I can agree with that a hundred percent. It almost, it might’ve been less hokey if they had not tried to push that so hard. Um, that’s a good point. I think that if we had just, okay, these are young college activists, it’s not like that’s a rarity, you know, that you find that on any college campus.
If we could just kind of appreciated their motives. Maybe seeing the flaws of their perspective, but not have it so heavy handed. I think maybe it would have come across better, but you’re right. I don’t, you know, I’m not going out looking for horror movies that have some kind of deep message, but when the attempt is made and it falls flat, You notice.
Yeah. And I think that’s kind of the case here. Yeah.
Todd: Well, it doesn’t definitely makes it stand out a bit. I appreciate he was trying to do something a little different. Clearly. This is an homage to those films. Yeah.
Craig: He was a huge fan of those films and this, he was really inspired by a cannibal Holocaust to do this film.
And in fact, the original shooting title of cannibal Holocaust was the green Inferno. So obviously he’s trying to pay tribute to this. John rhe. They’re really kind of just came and went in a heartbeat, you know, sometime in the late seventies, early eighties, these CA there were a handful of these cannibal movies and they were really sensationalized.
The, the creator or director, I suppose, of, uh, cannibal Holocaust was. Well, his plan was to try to fool people into thinking it was an actual documentary and it worked so much so that he was brought before a judge to be questioned about the disappearance of these actors or the people in his thing. And then he produced them.
He had asked them to lay low, um, to keep it believable. Um, but he produced them and of course, then everything was fine. But then, you know, there was. Cannibal ferox and then a few other, a little bit less well-known the genre just kind of faded away. Yeah, most part
Todd: that’s surprising too, because usually what these exploitation genres, they tend to have long legs, even if the movies aren’t that great.
You take something and you go with it. We got zombies still going on. We got vampire still going on. We have all of these things really in the horror genre that have lasted for decades. And that came and went like a flash in the pan. And I was asking myself why today. And maybe after seeing this movie, I just realized that there really aren’t a lot of places you can go with it.
Right. What do you do beyond. Naive Western nerd meets their ancient counterparts or whatever, and either tries to be the imperialist and come and invade them and gets their comeuppance. What do you do with gray on that? You know, you really don’t. So you’re going to see the same movie over and over and over again.
And even that gets a, you know, you can’t
Craig: do anything new. Right. And like I said, you know, once they get to the jungle, I mean, that’s very much just what it is. I mean, they’re, they’re captured and then there’s and gosh, there’s, there’s lots of things I want to talk about, but, um,
Todd: let’s go back to when they get to the jungle.
Cause the first thing is they, they do their duty. Right,
Craig: right. There, there is a plan. The Alejandro is the main, uh, leader of this group act. And he’s very serious and very brooding and really just an ass, super pretentious. But he has this Intel, I suppose, about this company that wants to harvest natural gas from underneath this tribe in the rain forest group.
Have you ever had fantasies of saving and dying drive?
it’s protecting them from encroaching civilization. Well, an opportunity has come up to turn that fantasy into reality. For those of you who care enough to join us in two weeks, an untouched jungle in the ProVia and Amazon will be destroyed forever. And so will the native society. The companies want the natural gas in the ground under the villages.
So the GPS location. Bulldoze the homes and kill the natives ancient tribes seen on the Herrera. Liam says from satellite photos will be gone forever.
So what’s the plan marching through the jungle and starve yourself.
You must be a
Todd: freshmen.
Craig: Yes. Why because only a freshmen would speak with such and such lettuce, you can leave now. And so he has set it up so that they will go where the people are dozing the rainforest and they’ll just do a demonstration. Now they say it’s going to be a peaceful demonstration. But they ended up blowing up.
I mean, the first thing they do to draw attention to themselves is set up a bomb. You know, that’s not what I would be doing if I were confronting a foreign militia, but they go and they, they chained themselves in the protest. And really, as far as they know at the time, the protest is
Todd: successful, right.
Their scheme is that they all have cameras. And even though you can’t get a cell signal anywhere out in the jungle, he is set up. Or somebody has set up a, some kind of satellite network or some kind of network that’s going
Craig: to be to
Todd: satellite and that’s it. All right. That’s going to be around that area.
So their guns are their cell phones is what they say. And even though this construction company has a militia, that’s could potentially turn on them because they’re live streaming all their cameras to the world. That’s supposed to save them. And it does
Craig: well. And, and that is very timely. I mean, with, you know, handheld cameras in everybody’s pocket, you know, we’re seeing all kinds of.
Things that may be lurked in the shadows in years before that we didn’t have such access access to. And so I, you know, that’s, that’s kind of realistic really. Um, well, even the
Todd: turn about natural gas, usually it’s cutting on the rainforest for the wood, which is such a data thing. All right. That makes a little more sense, I guess, but it seems, I mean, with fracking, I think you don’t need to do that, but right.
Craig: mean, it, it, so it appears that their protest is successful, but what our main character Justine finds out is that she’s been upon in all of this, the reason that they recruited her and they did, she didn’t, she was interested in their activity, but they. Specifically recruited her because she had mentioned in that anthropology class, her father was a lawyer for the UN.
So they bring her her along so that they can intentionally put her in peril and say, this is a daughter of someone who works for the UN and it works. But of course she had no idea that she was playing this role and really putting herself at very. Serious risk. And so then she’s ticked off and they get back in the plane and it seems like everything has gone well, they’re celebrating in the plane, but then the plane crashes and the plane crash scene was kind of cool, at least.
Todd: it was, it was fun. It was like one of those where you actually get to see people turning around upside down as they’re twirling from inside the car and a guy’s kind of puking all over himself. And it was a prop plane, which was weird because there was kind of an explosion from one of the wings, which.
I was thinking, why would that be a later on? We figure out it may be their plane was sabotaged, but at the time that was a question that kind of came up
Craig: in my head, right? The engine just blows like out of nowhere, there’s no warning. It’s just from the propeller starts shooting flames and smoke. And
Todd: they’re now in the jungle, the only phone that could potentially reach somebody is this.
GPS enabled satellite phone that they
Craig: brought. Yeah, I guess it’s like part of the plane equipment, I guess. I don’t
Todd: know. They kind of get their heads on straight. They are looking for this and that is when, uh, some people show up who happened to be the tribe and. Start killing them. Right.
Craig: And the reason, or at least the reason that’s provided now, the tribe is just established as being cannibalistic.
Um, which, from what I read is not particularly realistic because there are no native cannibal tribes left in that area. Yeah. But what all at once they’ve been captured. And they’re taken back to the native village. Alejandro tells them the reason they’re doing this because they think that we’re the enemy.
When they had done their protest, they had dressed themselves in the uniform. Of the construction crew that they were protesting. So these natives, of course they don’t share a language at all. So these natives assume that these are the members. Yeah. So I mean, it kind of makes sense that they would act violently towards them.
And that was one of the things I’m a little bit conflicted and I’m really interested to see what you think because the. Actors who play this native tribe are not actors. No. Uh, this is an actual, I guess, Peruvian, uh, native tribe that they, the film crew, you know, went deep into the Peruvian rainforest and filmed with this actual tribe.
And, and in some regards, I just think that is. So cool, because we get a little bit of a glimpse, even though I’m sure it’s fictionalized, even though I’m sure that, you know, there was, there was, I’m sure there was a set dresser and a makeup artist and all that stuff, but these are actual native people on one hand.
I think that’s really cool. On the other hand, I asked myself. Is this exploitive. Yeah.
Todd: What do you think? That’s a good question. I mean, he did take up a page right out of DDoS playbook because he did the exact same thing. When he went to film a cannibal Holocaust. In fact, you can notice. That the natives in that film who are doing some of the more kind of brutal there’s, there’s a rape scene with a rock in that movie.
That’s kind of gross. And you can tell that you can tell, he looks so different from everybody else. He seems like a westerner dressed up in makeup. So. You could see that even Deodato was a little uncomfortable involving those, those folks in everything that he filmed. I don’t know if that were the case in this movie.
I was very interested to know if the tribal leaders in this film were actual natives or if they were actors dressed up, did you have,
Craig: well, I was a little bit confused cause I think I read and I think that what I read was that these people who portrayed the tribal leaders were. Actual tribal people. But then I think that I also read that Roth had either worked or consulted with them before.
And I don’t know that those puzzle pieces don’t come together in my head. So I’m not entirely sure. What I do know is that they approached these people and. When they try to explain to them what they were asking them to do, there was just utter confusion because they didn’t even have any concept of what a film was.
Um, and so, and I don’t know how I feel about this either. What Ross did was he brought in a TV. And played for them, cannibal Holocaust,
Todd: you know, it’s getting right to the point and it’s being totally upfront and honest with them about what they’re going to do,
Craig: I suppose so well, and apparently they loved
Todd: it and they thought it was a comedy.
He thought it was
Craig: hilarious. And they were right on board. I think I read something that almost a hundred percent of the tribe signed on to do this, including the children. There’s very small children in it. And these are. Uh, native tribal children. And, uh, it, it is effective. I mean, the, the visual is, is effective.
I mean, these really do look like because they are, um, native peoples, uh, and, and I guess in a, in a way that the film kind of has that going for it. I mean, that’s kind of one of the
Todd: positive it’ll authenticity, some kind right. I think where the authenticity obviously breaks down is that this isn’t a portrayal of how they actually are an app.
And that’s where we start to get a comfortable. And we wonder, are you taking advantage of these people? Because even though they’ve agreed to be in this film, do they actually understand. How their portrayal in this film is going to be taken in and represented it, interpreted by the
Craig: world, right? The image that they’re projecting of themselves.
And it would make sense that they wouldn’t understand that concept. Uh, they, you know, I, I doubt that they even would understand the concept of mass media, that other people might be seeing this. And I don’t mean to be culturally insensitive. I. I would just assume that without that kind of exposure to our culture, that they just wouldn’t know.
Um, but I don’t know. I mean, what I do know is that, uh, they enjoy doing it PR you know, apparently based on. Reports so much so that, uh, after filming was done, they approached the, think it was the set designer or something along those lines and offered him or her a two year old child as a sign of their gratitude.
Um, and of course the production designer declined, but, uh, you know, it appears. That they were on board. And, and I want to believe that because I don’t want to believe that these people were being taken advantage of
Todd: if the people see it in the way, and maybe they won’t see it exactly this way, because they don’t have the context, but perhaps this was in their hearts.
That well, we’re just acting and that’s sort of how every actor is. Somebody’s got to play the bad guy. It doesn’t make them a bad guy. People have to portray horrible things that happen in film and stories in order to be told, have to portray horrible things happening to people. But it doesn’t mean that the filmmakers or the actors involved condone that.
In fact, oftentimes the message is quite opposite, right? This still muddies it a little bit, because what really is the message in regards to. The tribe. There’s a part of me that just wants to say, well, Hey, if they were enthused about it and they were fully up front with the kind of film they’re making, they showed them cannibal Holocaust.
And it’s certainly not cannibal Holocaust, but it’s right in the same line. Yeah. Um, and they were cool with it and they seemed to understand what they were doing and they were grateful for it afterwards. There’s a part of me that wants to say nobody’s really being heard or exploited here that may be a moderate audience is sophisticated enough to realize that this is not an accurate portrayal of his tribe.
And therefore. We’re all cool. And it’s not going to get
Craig: misinterpreted and it’s, it’s not a documentary and it’s not trying to present itself as such as cannibal Holocaust did. Correct. Um, so, you know, it’s fiction whether or not a viewer comes to the determination that it’s exploitive or not. I really don’t think that Eli Roth was trying to exploit these people.
In fact, I really think that his intended message was that they are not the bad guy. You know, they are just going about doing what they do, doing what they do. And it’s only because of the interference of outsiders. The bad things happen to those outsiders. You know, they’ve inserted themselves where they’re not wanted, where they’re not needed.
They’re disrupting a life, they’re disrupting a culture. Uh, and in the end, I think that we are meant to at least in some way, be sympathetic towards the native people and see that really. These other people as good intentioned, as they may have been kind of brought this on themselves in that
Todd: were Lynn in over their head.
That that’s where I feel like the moral message kind of gets muddied. If it were the construction workers, getting their comeuppance, if it were, that message would be extremely clear in this case, these kids, least we think save this tribe by their actions against the construction workers, you know, and they were on this plane.
It was only through. Just a series of sad coincidences that they ended up in the hands of this tribe, again, over some mistaken identity. And then the, you know, the idea is while you guys were always in over your head, and this is your comeuppance, it’s not really fair. It doesn’t have to be, I guess, horror movies are usually not fair, right?
They’re showing sort of an evil and that’s what happens. But in this case, there is no evil, as you just explained, the tribe is doing their thing. These kids we’re trying to help them. And now they’re the ones who are going to get punished and, uh, Maybe that’s why in the end, she kind of comes around and ends up helping them anyway,
Craig: I guess so, and I think that we need to mention the fact that really the vast majority of these, these young kids really did have the best of intentions and they really thought that they were helping, as it turns out Alejandro the main guy for him, it was entirely exploitive.
This mission that they’re going on, he knows that. In fact, it’s funny. Yeah, it was a sham. It was a sham, but you didn’t stop anything. We just delayed it by a day or two. What are you talking about? It totally PR stunt Carlos was hired by a competing company to stop them from reaching the village first. So we did, he gets paid in our organization known worldwide.
You know, how many people are gonna join us up there. This. Now we can make real change. You of, you do have to feel sorry for the ones that really thought that they were helping. They didn’t have negative motives. All Alejandro wanted was publicity. He wanted to get their group’s image out there so that they could draw in more members.
And so then that they could really make a difference. Um, but it’s, you know, on his part, it’s just entirely
Todd: ego and that was. My second disappointment of the movie, I thought that was so convoluted. Uh, there are so many holes in this plot to go to some random college, somewhere, scrounge up a bunch of random members.
Somehow convince them to get into this a little over their heads when really they should’ve known what they were getting into to do this elaborate stunt. Why couldn’t you just recruit some locals to do the same thing? who they were. Didn’t matter, right? It was that they had cell phones and I find it really hard to believe that even that the fact that this girl was the daughter of a UN lawyer.
Was really necessary to get them to stop shooting. I sort of felt like those guys, they knew they were being filmed and they knew they were being uploaded. It didn’t matter who they shot, their heads would roll if they started opening fire on this group of protestors.
Craig: I think the world. Yeah. I think that what Alejandro his idea was was that.
Because she was the daughter of somebody who worked for the United nations. That would cause more international uproar. I don’t know if that’s the case or not, but I think that’s what they were
Todd: well, that’s true. But wouldn’t, they have done this anyway. Even if she had decided to join the groups or they would have it wasn’t critical to the plan.
Yeah, to me, it was, it was a twist that was kind of interesting and kind of nice and it gives them a reason. To think about waiting it out there, which you have to do in a movie like this. You’ve got to create a situation where you’ve created choices for these characters when you’re locked in a cage and that’s what happens.
They grabbed them all the five or six leftover people. Throw them in a cage and cut up the fat die
Craig: immediately and cook them up and eat them and
Todd: killed them up in a smoker. And it’s, it’s kind of funny, uh, in a way you’re in a cage, uh, your choices are really to break out. There is nothing else you can possibly do, but try to break out because you know, you’re going to die.
However, if you have a very real choice to stay there, because help might be on its way, meaning this rival company is going to come in anyway, uh, in three days, Now you have some more dramatic conflict, should they stay? Should they try to break out now breaking out is inherently more risky. Than it
Craig: used to be.
Right. Well, and that’s the thing I liked that they portrayed it in such a way that it wasn’t just outwitting the dumb natives. You know, these, these natives were very efficient. You know, they, they had guards on them all the time. They couldn’t build a
Todd: good cage. These guys just need to put a few more poles across that cage and we wouldn’t have had to have a garden.
Craig: I mean, but it wasn’t meant, it wasn’t meant for people. It was their hog cage, you know, they cleared the hogs out before they put the people in. I don’t think hogs are going to be crawling out the top. That’s
Todd: a good point. I forget that. Yes.
Craig: And you know, as far as. Plot is concerned once they get there.
Like you said immediately, the fact I wish, you know, you totally see this coming. Obviously he’s the one who’s got the most meat. He’s the one they’ll take out first, but he’s also one of the only likable characters in the beginning of the disease. So it’s kind of sad to see him go and they don’t really hold back on the Gore.
There’s quite a bit of Gore. I mean, this guy, they hold him down. Uh, and the tribe would I, what I interpreted as being the tribe leader was was that, uh,
Todd: a woman, I think it was a woman and the man was the other person with the bone kind of thing.
Craig: It seems to be like the primary Hunter, the leader of the militia or whatever.
Todd: She was like a witch
Craig: doctor almost. Um, she digs his eyes out with their bare fingers and. Uh, eats them right there, cuts his tongue out and then they just completely dismember him all the while he’s still alive. Which to me, see, it rang as unrealistic. I mean, if you’ve got both of your legs chopped off, one of your arms, your eyeballs gouged out your tongue, cut out your lease.
At the very least going to be in shock and probably not, you know, kind of still riding around. But if, if that’s what you’re looking for this, I don’t think it’ll disappoint you. Um, the core
Todd: is, is coming to a cannibal movie, wanting to see a person getting cut up and eaten. You will not be
Craig: disappointed.
Right, exactly. Right. Cause you do get it. Now. I will say cannibal Holocaust. Made me a little uncomfortable because of how real it looked and how real it seemed. And now in that movie, some of it was real, there was, um, some animal mutilation that was actually, they actually filmed using live.
Todd: And honestly that is probably the most controversial thing about that film.
Right, right. And that was a clever thing to do. Not it’s morally repugnant, but it was a clever thing to do in that mixing that live, that real death with the fake death, let EHRs. Lends a certain era of, uh, not legitimacy, but one of what’s the word I’m looking for authenticity to the human death, that he didn’t go there with this film.
He couldn’t know it and you wouldn’t want to. Right. But what I
Craig: was getting at with the effects here, I mean, they’re, I assume they were adequate, but there was something and maybe it’s because he showed too much that it didn’t seem. Real? No. I mean, it seemed like decent effects. I mean, it was very bloody, but there was one point in particular when, um, one of the tribes women was preparing the torso of this big guy, whatever his name was.
Uh, and it was completely apparent that it was a complete, really hollowed out shell licit right up. Right. Uh, and it just moves with the slightest touch. It moves. I mean, this is a big, heavy guy. Torso
Todd: would have been a hundred pounds
Craig: at least. So there was a little bit, I don’t know, uh, it, it pulled me out a little bit and made it less scary and less effective because even though, you know, you go into these movies, you know, it’s not real, but when it’s visibly obvious that it’s not real, it kind of pulls you out.
Todd: It’s hokey. And, um, no, I agree with you completely. I, I felt the same way watching that watching most of the Gore effects, actually the same effects were probably more effective back when the footage was more grimy and gritty and right. But, yeah, so it did, it took me out of it too. The other thing that took me out of this movie, and it was just a distracting element, but it had to do with the filmmaking was that this movie was obviously shot on video.
And the reason you can tell is that the dynamic range is terrible when they’re in the boat or in the woods, the sky is completely blown out. You know, all the highlights are bright white. You can never get both shots. One light in the same scene. It, to me, it was so distracting. And it’s a shame because this environment is so lush and beautiful, right.
You’re shooting in the jungle. I’m not one to get into the film versus video bail. I really don’t care. It’s to me, I think, shoot it on video. That’s fine. But it’s a shame when you have this opportunity for beautiful pictures and beautiful images in this environment. And you’re shooting on a medium where the water everywhere, the water, the water just looks muddy because everywhere it glistens is just a bright white and kind of runs together, or you get a shot of the side of the mountain or whatever, and they haven’t filtered out the sky.
And brought it down. So the mountain looks great and stuff, but there’s the sky is just this bright white, you know, I could show you examples. Well, know what I’m talking about, but you know what you’d know? I
Craig: mean, no, anything about the technical side of it, but I did notice particularly in the beginning that, you know, the colors were very, very bright.
I mean, it felt. Oversaturated. Yeah. I didn’t think it looked bad. I mean, I, there was a crispness to it that I. Thought was okay. Um, and maybe I was just taken in by kind of the natural beauty. And again, I think that’s one of the strengths of the films that they really did shoot on location. And it is really a gorgeous backdrop to set this film against.
So I’ll take your word on the technical stuff, but it didn’t bother me as much. I didn’t notice the really super bright colors, particularly in the beginning and the clothing that they were wearing. And it was very bright. It was, I mean, this whole film is it almost entirely takes place during the day, right?
You’re right. And, uh, it very, very bright throughout from there. I mean, they’re basically just. Held captive there. They’re waiting after Alejandro reveals the truth. That there’s really going to be another construction crew coming. They’re kind of just waiting it out. However, there’s one girl who can’t just sit and wait.
And I guess before that, we should say there are three girls there, uh, including our main girl, Justine almost immediately. I think it’s the morning of the third. The second day that they’re there, they take all the girls out and they strip them. And of course we know that they had had that exposition where it was all about the female genital mutilation.
So we know what’s going on. They strip them from the waist down, the witch doctor, lady, or whatever she is. Kind of, I guess, examines them now. I didn’t really understand what was going on here because she she’s got this kind of like hooky wall kind of thing. And she appears now you don’t see it in the direct shot, but it appears that she.
Penetrates their genitals. Um, and she does that to the first two girls and they seem very uncomfortable as obviously they would be, but not necessarily in terrible pain. So it doesn’t seem that she’s trying to hurt them at the moment, but then. She goes to Justine last. And when she removes herself, there’s blood now, did you take that to mean that she was missing?
Todd: that’s how I took it and it took me a while to figure it, to put that together to, uh, that’s really the only explanation, the only other explanation is she caught her somehow, but she kind of it in the air and everybody’s sort of . Strange, but,
Craig: okay. So right. And she marks her on the forehead and they take the other two girls back to the boys, but they take, just seen a way into a big hut.
Right. They, they blow some magic, Dustin, her face and she passes out and they take her into this hut when she eventually she does eventually come back, but she’s been painted ceremoniously painted. And so they, they believe that they know what’s going to happen. I don’t know. I have no idea what the ministration part had to do with it, but here’s my
Todd: guess.
And this is a lousy guests, but my guess was that since we learned that this was a right of womanhood, My guess is that you don’t get female castration until you start menstruating. And so she was checking them to see which of them was menstruating in case the other two hadn’t started their period, but they’re both old enough, right.
That they would, I don’t know, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense because this is the enemy. Right. And why would they be doing
Craig: this at all at first? And this is, this is terrible to say again, I’m not trying to be culturally insensitive, but at first I thought the tribes. Uh, the, the witch doctor person was a man she’s androgynous.
Yeah. Until the end, um, where you get some side views of her and it appears that she has female breasts, but at first I thought it was a man. And I thought that maybe he was selecting one of them to kind of be a concubine or something along those, you did worry
Todd: that maybe she was just going to get massively raped in that cabin.
And it didn’t appear to be the case. No,
Craig: but I still don’t understand really what the purpose was. You know, they, one of the girls, so there’s three girls. Two of them. The other two who are not just seeing our lesbian couple, one of them is kind of the tough I can get all the girls I want lesbian. And the other one is kind of the I’m sweet and naive, you know, college, freshmen, lesbian, um,
Todd: you know, those two types
Craig: and, uh,
Todd: and, uh, and the one
Craig: girl’s got a lot of tattoos on the tough one.
Right? Yeah. And so she decides that because she. Had run track that she would be able to escape. So she tries to escape and it appears at first that she does, but then later on the natives give the remaining prisoners some food and it appears just to be vegetables. I think they say it’s like boiled scraps or something like that.
I don’t know they eat it. Um, and the other, the, the blonde girl, the girlfriend gets to the bottom of her bowl and there’s blood in the bottom. And she looks out and she sees the native children. Playing with scraps of skin, with the tattoos of her girlfriend on them. And so then,
Todd: well, there’s not just blood that I think has one of her tattoos,
Craig: was it in the bowl?
It’s all flat.
Todd: And it, again, it was hard to tell, but you had to kind of put to, yeah, you’re
Craig: seeing now that you say so it makes sense. I was thinking it was a design in the bottom of the boat, but you’re absolutely right. It was one of her tattoos. And so that was kind of funny, actually, it was. And so she, the remaining girl that breaks that old she’d been served in, in slices, her own.
So none of the women are ever killed by the tribe, except for when they first crashed. There’s one woman who tries to approach them who gets killed. And then the woman who tried to escape. So I don’t know if they were planning on keeping all of the women or if, if Justine had been marked for something special.
I have no idea, I guess. In the end. It doesn’t really matter, but I was questioning what was it specifically about her aside from the fact that she was menstruating that made them give her special attention? Yeah,
Todd: that would, that’d be the only thing to make sense. As you have to imagine some sort of cultural thing where they don’t just kill all their enemies, they take the women and if they qualify.
They recruit them into the tribe or they keep them as a concubine or a child driver or something. And that would be probably the best explanation for why then they would go through this marker for eventual. Right. Genital mutilation.
Craig: Right. And then, you know, from that point,
Todd: but what they do though, to the, to the dead girl in the Oh, right.
I can’t believe, I almost forgot that because this is the hokiest part on the site. The one of the guys earlier on the plane scores, a bag of marijuana and he still had it tucked in his shoe. And so. Their idea is to take this bag of merit. This is a little bag of pot and stuff it down this girl, this dead girl’s throat with may use a stick and everything to get it way down into her stomach.
The idea being that when they put her in this smoker, it’s going to get
Craig: like a giant pot brownie. And we’re, we’re sitting here. So stupid. It’s the dumbest thing. It’s never going to work. And not only that, but like it was in like a Ziploc bag and they shoved it down her throat in the Ziploc bag. I would think if they wanted the drug, the THC to permeate, they would have at least opened it and like put it in there.
I really
Todd: want to season the meat you’d want to raise like one of those, a spice and jets it’s really to get it down in the exact hole. But of course that happens, you know, even though this smoker is by one hot in this rather. Large complex. Everybody’s gathered around it. And I guess they all inhale enough of the smoke.
They eat enough of her flesh
Craig: that they all get legally fall on their ass dumb.
Todd: Yeah. And, uh, that gives the others, uh, two of the others, a chance to escape it’s, uh, Justine and Daniel. Right, right. They escape. And as the other guy, I don’t ever caught him, I never caught his name.
Craig: All I could ever figure
Todd: out, tries to get out.
Alejandro picks up a. One of these mad, magical poison darts, and stabs him with it so that he passes out instantly right. And falls down into the cage and basically says to them, uh, well, I’m not going to stay back in this cage by myself or else. I will totally get eaten. I guess the idea is that they can’t all leave.
Craig: I have no idea. I still don’t under. I still have no idea what I thought he said was something like, if I’m just going to wait here to be saved, I can’t be alone. Because there was never any suggestion, as far as I saw that they weren’t planning on helping him escape.
Todd: Yeah. Well, to me, my thought was cause, cause the cage was tall enough.
They had to hoist people up. That naturally, there’s nobody there to hoist that last person. And so one of them was going to have to stay Alejandro. My interpretation of that was that he said, if I’m the only guy left in this cage, they’re going to kill me for sure. Whereas if there two of us left, I’ve gotten by some time by some time.
And that’s why he, that still doesn’t make sense because. He’s such a Dick. He could have just insisted on going first and left the other kid behind the bore. We saw later how he himself lifted himself and hoisted himself to the top of the cage. He could have just done that and they would have lifted them the rest of the way.
Craig: It makes no sense. And the more that we talk about it, the more I think of other things that make no sense, the character of Alejandro is just an ass at one point. It’s right after I think that the blonde girl had slit her own throat. He just starts jerking off doing, if we don’t want to end up like the otters, you’d be wise to do the same thing.
It’s like, hi, I’m not psychotic when your body’s under stress. The only way to think clearly is to find a release. Like
Todd: it wasn’t just that it was the dumb, it
Craig: was so stupid. I had no idea what they were. I mean, he had already been established as a total ass, but that’s just like, why did, was that even
Todd: in there even any other dumb thing that was in there was when the girl had to.
The massive diarrhea. She was on the corner and I’m thinking, Oh my gosh, how juvenile? I
Craig: know. And it’s totally, you know, fart noises and, um, and we’ll tie it for like a minute. And then of course the native kids are like waving their noses and laughing. Yeah. And see, that’s the kind of thing where if you’re going to go there, go all the way.
But if you’re going to just pepper, those moments in, it just seems stupid. It just like. We don’t need this. It throws off
Todd: the tone. You got these horrible things happening in this pretty serious situation. Uh, and it’s played that way. But then there are these weird moments of not even good comedy, no juvenile, not even good.
Juvenile comedy just shoved in like pot down a dead girls.
Craig: Right. And then when the stoner guy comes to a couple of the natives are huddling over him, giggling and he, you know, tries to kind of entertain them. Um, but then they start trying to take bites out of it. And he’s like, damn, the munchies.
Sorry. I can’t.
Todd: That was another part that just took me completely. That just made me throw my hands up in the air. This movie. Now they’re sort of zombie cannibals. Now they’ll just eat someone alive without going through the preparation process that they’d done for the last couple people. Uh, they just bite people
Craig: and they did.
They just swarmed her. Everybody ate him
Todd: alive, the kids and everything. It was straight out of Dawn of the dead. Yeah, it was just like that scene where the guy’s getting ripped up. And I thought, Oh my gosh, it was really
Craig: silly, dumb Justine. And one of the other guys, I don’t remember his name. They get away, they run away, they see smokes.
They assume that’s the construction crew. But, um, she has to kind of jump over this little part of the river to, for them to keep going. And she steps into it. Not realizing it. Steep. And she falls in and gets swept away. And that I had read about, and it was kind of scary to watch because I read that the actress nearly drowned.
I mean, she was really in the river, uh, and really struggling. And it wasn’t until the filmmakers realized that her cries for help were real cries for help. And they, they went to ADA and some, they, what I read is that some of that made it into the film and it looked scary. It looked like she was drowning.
It looked like she was really struggling. But, uh, so they get them back. Okay. He, the guy that she’s with helps her back out, they go to the plane where there’s a total nod to Hannibal cannibal Holocaust. So
Todd: hard to say movies. Yeah. Separately. Right? Hannibal’s not in cannibal hall.
Craig: Exactly. But a little homage there where the people who were killed on the crash are now impaled on poles, kind of as a warning.
That’s one of the most famous images from a cannibal
Todd: Holocaust is the most awesome. And. Just looks so real. It looks so
Craig: real. They had to prove in court that it wasn’t real. They had to demonstrate how they did it, but then they get recaptured and she again gets prepared for the genital mutilation ceremony.
Uh, she’s repainted, she’s tied up. Um, they. Tie up the guy that she was with on a pole and smear him with something which Louis ants, which kind of eat him alive. But eventually throughout the course of the film, just seeing, has been trying to make a connection with this young native boy. Um, yeah, she’s
Todd: a flutist and she has a little.
Flute a new necklace. Her mother gave her, well, it was used, what was it? Her grandmother’s smelted down silver, something like that. So it’s, I mean, everything you could possibly do to make this a precious family heirloom this, is it aside from putting a curse on it that she should never take.
Craig: You know, she’s looking at the kid for help and he’s kind of looking on sympathetically, but he doesn’t do anything.
The wish doctor comes out. She starts to perform the genital mutilation ceremony. But then there’s a commotion. And as it turns out, the destruction crew has arrived vitally, right? And so everybody in the tribe has to run to fend them off, leaving Justine, still tied up, but not in as immediate danger. And eventually the young boy does, he comes over and he cuts her free and she knocks out.
You know, the woman who had been tending to her and she goes and tries to help the guy on the pole, but he begs to be killed and she can’t do it. But the young boy kind of mercy kills this guy. And, uh, Alejandro was still in the cage and he’s yelling, help me, help me, let me out, let me out. And she just kind of looks at him like F you buddy.
And she, uh, she takes off running. Do you want to kind of, well,
Todd: yeah. And, and so after that she takes off running and runs into the construction workers, fighting, shooting the tribesmen. She happens to have the one cell phone that they found. Uh, one of the cell phones that they found at the plain site, which was dead.
Craig: And I don’t know if it was dead or not. I don’t think it was, but it wasn’t function. Wasn’t fun. It wasn’t right. She didn’t have a signal. And so when she gets there, right, when she gets there, she realizes of course, that she’s completely decked out in native makeup. I thought we were
Todd: going to come with a night of the living dead situation were just going to get shot.
I thought for
Craig: sure she was going to get shot. No question at all, but she doesn’t, but you see kind of this. Slaughter of, of this tribe. And, and again, it makes you realize they are not the enemies here. They are just protecting their home, but she gets the pretty genius idea to do the same thing that they had done before at the protest to hold the camera up as though she is videotaping.
So they stopped at her, but they stop. And the guy says in a foreign language, I don’t speak, but it sounds like give me the camera or get rid of the camera or something. And she throws it down hard enough to smash it, which was really smart because he picks it up to check it, to see if she had actually been videotaping and it’s totally smashed.
So he has no way of knowing. Um, and that is why. They then take her in and deliver her back. And she is the, they ask her before she gets on, are you sure there was nobody else? And she goes, yup.
Todd: That story to everybody. Uh, and they tell her, well, thanks to you and your bravery. Her story is the plane crashed.
I was the only survivor the tribe took me in and fed me. And I never felt that I was ever in peril or danger they’re angels. And it was only through them that they delivered me. And they say, well, thanks to that. Then you are, you have saved this tribe and she is a little still kind of having some nightmares about which is stupid.
Craig: That was the weirdest nightmare. So it was like an end cap. It was one of those things that you wish that you would find on. The bonus features like
Todd: a deleted scene that
Craig: ended up in there. It’s dumb. She dreams that she’s walking on campus and Alejandro comes up behind her and says, I did it. I got out.
And then she liked turns into some kind of monster and bites. His face off is so random and she wakes up and, you know, it was a dream and, um, pretty much, you know, It seems like she’s kind of gone back to her life. She’s back in the dorm, living with her same roommate and
Todd: she looks down, down upon the activists and we, you know what, and you’re not really quite sure what’s going through her head, but they have almost co-opted their old Alejandro face as their Chez Guevara or whatever on their t-shirts.
And then it goes to the credits. Then in the middle of the credits, you get this weird little bumper scene that makes it seem like they’re setting it up for a sequel and
Craig: they are, are they doing a sequel? It w it’s it was in the works. Um, but because of all the difficulty they had with getting this one released, I don’t know if it’ll ever come to pass, but, um, they set it up that she gets a telephone call.
Hello, Justine, who is this? My name is Lucia. I’m Alejandro sister. I’m really sorry. I actually can’t talk right now. I found a satellite photo. It looked like my brother. We need
Todd: to talk.
Craig: Right because she would have like the coordinates for this
Todd: tribe and the Google earth raptured him or something.
Craig: It doesn’t make any sense, but they were setting it up for a S a SQL.
There was a SQL planned, um, I guess from what I’ve read, it’s still projected to come out in 2018, but there’s not a lot going on, you
Todd: know, I honestly don’t feel that my personal opinion is it doesn’t deserve a sequel. I didn’t think it was that great of a movie. Now this was shot in 2013. It came out just last year.
Right? What were the problems? Do you know?
Craig: It was studio. Um, it was slated for a release in October of 2015, but the studio went bankrupt. And so then it didn’t have a distributor. And so it kind of floated around looking for a distributor for a long time. And finally somebody picked it up and they gave it kind of a limited, uh, Theatrical release.
And then, um, it went to, you know, uh, streaming and whatnot. So I think it was just kind of an unfortunate series of events that led to it not getting released immediately, but I think that that may have had some impact on the future of it. And, and I agree with you, but like you were talking about when we first started, what, what are they going to do?
Yeah. What would they do with the sequel? Go back? You know what I mean?
Todd: It’s yeah, you’re going to do this again. Right. You
Craig: know, it would just, it’d just be rehashing the same movie. I don’t think it would be worth it
Todd: again. I’m not impressed. I’m not impressed with. It didn’t feel like Eli raw. It felt like Eli Roth, really just wanting to make a cannibal movie.
Yeah. And all he just did was throw in some ideas almost the same way that Adam Sandler makes a movie. Yeah. You know, it’s a bunch of jokes thrown together, loosely tied with kind of a theme, but it all after awhile. Totally. It’s all over the place. It’s trying to be funny, but it fails half the time and it’s then trying to be serious, but then you can’t even take it seriously because there are all these elements that pull you out of it.
Right. Uh, that it just kind of a jumbled mess. I
Craig: almost feel bad agreeing with you because I’ve heard him talk about this in interviews. And it really seems like this was kind of his passion project. Like this is really what he’s been wanting to do for a long time. And yeah. I wouldn’t say it was a horrible movie.
I’ve certainly seen worse. It just wasn’t that good. I mean, it was just, okay. There, there was some poor acting, particularly in the beginning, you know, you had your issues with, uh, the cinematography, the, the silly humor that was trying to be injected didn’t make any sense. For the content of the film, there was, I think, an attempt at social commentary that really just kind of felt heavy handed and fell flat.
It didn’t work for me either. I didn’t hate it. I wouldn’t tell people. Oh, don’t watch it. It’s a complete waste of your time. If you are nostalgic for those kinds of Campbell movies, it’s all right.
Todd: I would say I would, I would say that it’s kind of a waste of your time. Cause I think there are better movies out there,
Craig: you know?
Well, if you haven’t seen cannibal Holocaust, watch that one. Oh my gosh. It seems so much low, much more low budget and it definitely shows its age, but it’s a better film. It’s a well-made film, as disturbing as it may be. It’s well done. Certainly
Todd: better than this one. We do our cannibal Holocaust thing.
That podcasts going to be like, even longer than this one, it’s going to be like two hours, just cause there’s so much to say about that movie. This movie is.
Craig: Just not in the same caliber now. It’s not, unfortunately, sorry, Eli. I’m sure you’re listening with beta dress
Todd: really wanted
Craig: to like it. I was really looking forward to it.
I’ve been, and because it’s been delayed for so long, I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. I didn’t hate it. I’m not going to go home and be upset that we watched it. But yeah. I don’t think I’ll watch it.
Todd: We’ll look forward to the sequel.
Well, thank you so much for listening to us. Here are two guys and a chainsaw. Please check us out on Facebook like us there. If you liked what you heard today, please share this podcast with a friend. We’re on Stitcher. We’re on iTunes. And, uh, we will be coming back to you next week with another film until then this is Todd and Craig with Two Guys and a Chainsaw.
they were checking the girls for which one was a virgin. the main girl bled because her hymen was broken where the other girls’ hymen had already been broken so they didn’t bleed. it didn’t have anything to do with menstruation.
Kevin, you could be right. That thought had crossed my mind as well. Thanks for listening!