2 Guys and a Chainsaw

Bloodbath at the House of Death

Bloodbath at the House of Death

bloodbath at the house of death still with vincent price

Today’s film is like the Airplane of horror films – a long-forgotten gem from the UK boasting Vincent Price as the leader of a satanic cult terrorizing a group of scientists investigating strange goings-on at Headstone Manor.

To experience this rare film for yourself, download the mp4 or watch it now:

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Bloodbath at the House of Death (1984)

Episode 10, 2 Guys and a Chainsaw

Todd: Welcome to another edition of Two Guys and a Chainsaw. I’m Todd. I’m Craig. And today we watched Bloodbath at the House of Death. Craig, have you ever heard of this?

Craig: Never, never in my life. This 

Todd: was my choice because last week we did one from Craig’s childhood that I’d never heard before. This one. In my defense.I think you can probably find Clownhouse 

Craig: DVD, right? Well, I did. I think it’s kind of hard to find, but I think it’s up on YouTube too. So, you know, it’s out there 

Todd: now. I had a really hard time tracking this one down. I managed to find it again, but I’ll tell you it’s pretty much impossible. It really hasn’t been rereleased in the U S since it was released on VHS, which was how I saw it.

I must have been. Interestingly enough, fourth or fifth grade when my dad rented this video from the video store and took it home. Cause he knows, I liked to watch horror movies and we would kind of watch that together. I think because Vincent Price was on the cover, he thought, okay, well this will be good.

This will be fun. And it built itself as sort of a horror comedy. And at the time actually there weren’t really many horror comedies. There wasn’t a lot to choose from anyway. And so he brought it home and we watch it. And that was the only time until today that I had seen it, but it made such an impression on me and watching this movie and seeing some of these scenes that I distinctly remember.

It might be the most remembered film from my childhood that I have. 

Craig: That’s funny. It is memorable. I will say that. I mean, it’s. There are things that you’re not going to forget. 

Todd: Uh, the movie starts out. Um, it was a British film. Okay. And it’s a, from 1984. 

Craig: Okay. Yeah. It’s I was gonna say it’s very British, very British film and a horror comedy for sure.

Heavy on the comedy, uh, and that kind of British comedy. That you come to expect from like Mr. Bean or, gosh, I don’t even know what else, but it’s very distinctly British feels like 

Todd: with a little bit of like airplane 

Craig: mixed in. Oh yeah, 

Todd: absolutely. Yeah. I mean, it was clearly inspired by that type of thing, but not as wacky over the top zany all the way through that movie.

I don’t know. Disagree. 

Craig: It’s pretty wacky and zany, I would say, well, it is a very, very tongue in cheek, which there’s nothing wrong with that. I thought it was funny. I was laughing out loud, pretty consistently throughout most of the film. Do you think the humor 

Todd: holds up? 

Craig: I do. I mean, it’s funny. It’s funny.

Stupid movie, but that’s okay. I mean, I like stupid movies sometimes, and it’s fun, you know, it’s, you know, it’s not a think piece. It’s fart jokes and boobies and, and, you know, lots of a silly word play and innuendo, but it’s funny, 

Todd: it works, but it starts out kind of brutal. Yeah, I guess. So it doesn’t really pull the punches in the, in the Gore department too much, not too much, you know, it starts out with this, uh, manner, headstone manner, everything, and here’s a word play or a bond or something, and they’re a bunch of people in their, uh, what it’s headstone manner.

And then there’s a sign hanging. From a businessman’s retreat and girls summer camp. Businessmen’s a 

Craig: weekend retreat and girls 

Todd: summer camp, but there are these hooded robed figures. It’s one of those movies where there’s this creepy cult who starts coming into the house. One has an ax. One has a rifle.

One has a noose, like he has a machete. It’s like the monopoly pieces or they’ve all come in here and, uh, they just kill everybody in the house and it’s pretty gross. I mean, they shoot some people in their beds. They skewer some people through that. One’s kind of silly. They skewer some people through with a big spear.

Apparently they wrap a bunch of people up in a freezer in the basement and cling wrap and stuff like that. Yeah. Now 

Craig: that you say so, I mean, it really was pretty violent in those first few minutes, a whole hour and a half later, I had kind of forgotten about that because of all of the silliness that ensues later.

But it’s true. That opening scene is pretty brutal. You’re right. Light on the Gore, but, uh, still violence. Well, 

Todd: if you don’t know you’re in for a, a S uh, comedy that would throw you off right in the beginning. And maybe that was the intent, maybe. Yeah. It starts off with that. And then that was like 1975 or thereabouts.

Right. And then it jumps to day 1984, when a bunch of people are driving to the Manor. In order to investigate it. And boy, they don’t waste any time with exposition to do that.

Craig: you get the first, the very first two scientists, uh, Dr. Mandeville and Dr. Barbara, Dr. Lucas, I think. Dr. Mandeville’s first name, Dr. Lucas is driving and he’s talking to the passenger, Dr. Barbara. And so he just turns to look at her and directly into camera, basically, just a lady, well dedicated scientists, and there have been strange inexplicably radioactive readings picked up in this area, which have been traced to a particular house.

And we are on a secret government mission that other scientists to investigate this bizarre phenomenon to simple as that. And it is funny. I mean, we were cracking up, 

Todd: so they’re driving along and of course the other scientists are coming through. We have other characters here too. There’s a couple that are gay and again, a little dated in the fact that they’re, you know, it’s played for laughs Oh ha ha.

Gay people. 

Craig: Yeah. Honestly, I thought it was kind of fun. I thought, wow, you didn’t really see gay people represented in and it is played for laughs. It’s stereotypical, but it’s not. Insulting, you know, it’s just a joke. It’s, it’s 

Todd: funny. And it sort of starts out like they cast it with these two hard looking guys, right.

These hard, like ma like prototypical, masculine looking guys, and they’re having this conversation and, and it slowly becomes this, uh, So who cares if I like to stay home and, you know, and curtains

Craig: yeah. Was pretty, it’s funny you bring it. The characters, there are eight of these scientists in total, and I was trying to like write down their names, but they barely even mentioned their names because it’s really nice. Just got these eight weirdo scientists, each one with their various quirks, you know, Dr.

Mandeville, the main kind of one, the guy who’s brought them all together has. A prosthetic leg, I guess. Yeah. I mean, he looks like he’s the tin man from, you know, that, that one leg down. 

Todd: Yeah. He looks like the tin man, but, and he walks like the tin man, but it’s around, but his leg is like Robocop it like wax doors and it like breaks things.

It’s, as it’s flipping around, it’s, it’s almost has a life of its own in this movie, 

Craig: slapstick and, and much of it is, but there’s him. And then he’s got the assistant and she’s kind of the. Sexy blonde one who, you know, wear sensible glasses. So she’s smart, you know, and then the other ones are really almost so nondescript.

I don’t even know what to say about them. It’s just a gathering. It reminded me actually very much of clue. Yeah, these people all coming together into this spooky mansion and, you know, trying to, trying to figure out what was going on. Very reminiscent of clue, even in the humor department. And you have your, 

Todd: um, the American guy, the stereotypical, like the hunky guy, chiseled kind of dude who looked really familiar to me.

He did to 

Craig: me too, but I have no idea. He’s only 

Todd: been in like three other movies. He must look a lot like another actor, 

Craig: I guess, or maybe he’s just so stereotypical that he looks like. Every hunky guy from those eighties movies. And then he, his, they all come in pairs and the girl he comes with is the slut.

And that’s. Yeah. Like, I don’t know anything about her. I don’t even understand why she was there. Was she a scientist? 

Todd: She presumably she 

Craig: was assigned to, like he said that he was. A paranormal investigator. He says that once, and then that’s it. Then he just serves the role of the hunk throughout the rest of the thing.

And he’s with this girl who’s kind of done up like an eighties, glam rock kind of girl, kind of porn star looking thing. And, and that’s it, you know, she’s, she’s the slut and that’s it. 


Todd: right. But that’s pretty much it. And then, uh, and then we have a drunk guy and then that. Is that it, 

Craig: well, then there’s the weird redhead lady who seems very stiff, but then also sometimes goes in.

Sometimes one time goes into like a weird hysterical, laughing fit. Who’s being killed, who, Oh my God.

The house the bar made at the local pub was found, dangling upside down from a tree with red cat.

You see when she’s unpacking her things that she has, like all of this, like whips, whips, and dildos and all kinds of stuff. There’s no depth of character. Of course a movie is just a series of gags. Throughout really. Yeah. 

Todd: And as they arrive and they talk about how they’re going to investigate this house, as the night goes on, we get to see a little bit of almost everybody’s backstory or at least a few of them, a 

Craig: few of them.

And even before they get there, I mean, it’s. It follows, you know, so many horror stereotypes they’re going to this old spooky mansion, but before they go into the mansion, they stop at the local pub where, you know, one of the scientists mentioned, Oh, can anybody tell us how to get to this mansion? And of course, everybody turns in stares and, uh, gives very ominous looks and, uh, in the pub.

Uh, hanging on the wall. There’s this strange symbol. It looks like kind of a pagan symbol, kind of like the Illuminati symbol, like an eye, like in a triangle or whatever. And, uh, the guy Dr. Mandeville says, I feel like I’ve seen that before. And then they look around and every single person in the bar has it tattooed somewhere on their bodies 

Todd: or hands, including the black guy who has a tattooed in white and the dog 

Craig: who has it.

Stamped on his head. That’s so funny. So obviously there’s something sinister going on with the townspeople. 

Todd: Yeah, that brings up one of my, one of the scenes that I remember the most and just busted me out. Laughing as a kid was when they’re sitting around arguing about how many. How the murders went down and, Oh, there were two people in the base.

No, I thought there were three. No, there were five and pretty soon one guy is breaking out a calculator trying to figure out exactly who many. And then by the end of it, they’re all singing it like the 12 days of Christmas. Yeah.

Craig: That’s pretty hilarious. 

Todd: Uh, in that group, 

Craig: two of the towns, people, towns, and they, they definitely take every advantage with the blind jokes and the guy stumbling around, walking off, you know, walking backwards, knocking things over it’s 

Todd: you tell him to go one way. He goes the other way. It’s slapstick stuff.

You don’t see this stuff anymore, but not really. You gotta, you gotta love a great blind joke. Right? 

Craig: Right. I kept trying to think of, you know, like how do you classify this movie? Because it’s really not horror. It’s not scary in any way. I don’t know. I mean, I guess there are some parts that are mildly creepy, but, uh, really it’s, it’s not so much played for the scares it’s played for the comedy.

It’s it’s reminiscent of like Monty Python or. Or the Mel Brooks films like, um, Spaceballs or no, what’s, uh, what’s the Western, uh, blazing saddles, that kind of thing. Those kinds of gags. 

Todd: And there was a film before this, uh, called student bodies. I think it was a year or two before this. Do, do you remember that?

Craig: I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t 

Todd: seen it. I don’t think that’s another horror comedy that kind of came out around the same time that slasher movies were really in a, maybe it was a year or two ago. After this one, but it sure seems from the same era, it’s funny that you mentioned Mel Brooks, because I don’t know if you realize this, but the woman who played Barbara is Pamela Stevenson who actually started not started, but she was one of the actresses in history of the world.

Oh, I didn’t know that. And she was in Superman three and she’s married to Billy Connolly. Billy 

Craig: Connolly. Who’s that? 

Todd: Uh, he’s the, uh, Irish or Scott. He’s a comedian he’s been in films and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So there is a bit of a connection there, uh, even, even with the actors. It’s cool. Yeah. It’s funny. 

Craig: Yeah.

So, I mean, if you want to talk about there, there’s really very little reason to discuss plot and it’s, it’s so convoluted. I mean, okay. So they’re, they’re investigating, they don’t really know what the towns people put on these robes. They seem like, you know, kind of. Sinister monks. Uh, and then. The amazing Vincent Price appears.

Um, and, uh, he is kind of the cult leader. He has been serving Lucifer for 700 years, protecting this manner. What, whatever from intruders and that’s their job there. Lord Lucifer, I guess, is going to be rising that night. And they’ve got to clear out the Manor and that’s, uh, their, their whole purpose. And that’s kind of, you know, how the plot develops.

It’s, it’s slowly, I’m kind of picking them off, but, uh, Vincent Price, you know, Vincent, Price’s an icon, just an absolute icon. I’m in this film, you know this, you said what? 1984, he’s already, you know, definitely starting to show his age, you know, he’s, he’s looking more like the, uh, The, uh, Edward Scissorhands Vincent Price than, than in his earlier career.

And I am just wondering. Who on this production knew him and got him to do this because I hope, you know, in the, in the first scene he’s acting and it’s very silly, but this guy is a pro you know, I can only imagine that he came, he could have filmed his entire role for this movie in an hour. I knew certain of it.

You know, he, he’s only in like four scenes. Yeah. Four or five scenes, not very much at all. And he, he plays it for the last. Two, but you still that voice and, and his delivery is so amazing. 

Todd: You think it is stupid. You say 

Craig: that to me, the arch disciple of Lucifer himself, you about a grain of sand, the muse spec in the cosmos.

And you did venture into opinion regarding that rate design of our master. They are blessed to Paramus. So think that I don’t right hand the bails about themselves should be subjected to the opinions of turtles. And  bow the knee if you wish to even speak in my presence out. But you know, after the first scene, I just kinda, I was like, man, just give the man his check and let him go home.

Todd: This is really in the name role for him. I, you know, you do, but, but he. He tends to elevate almost anything he’s in. He does. I mean, he’s been in a lot of schlock. Yeah. You know, and this is schlocky too, but have you ever heard Vincent Price curse? I don’t know. He says quite a few words in this film that it’s just kind of funny.

Craig: Well, and he CA I’ve never seen him play to this type. Like he kind of plays the, uh, The spooky scary thing sometimes, but then that drops and he kind of plays this kind of dandy character, you know, almost a little feminine, which, um, he kind of has that in his air in general, but it’s kind of up played here and I’ve never really seen him play that before.

I mean, it was interesting. I’m glad to have seen it. Uh, I don’t know. I doubt he would count it among his. Finest work, but, um, he’s a cool guy. There’s no 

Todd: getting around that. I think he could do comedy. You know, we never really got a chance to see him do much comedy. Uh, if, if much at all, I don’t recall ever seeing him.

He was in a couple of comedic roles, but, but that was pretty early in his career before he got solidified into this. And of course, that’s why he’s in this movie. This movie really is iconic. It just throws back to a lot. Oh yeah. It really 

Craig: is. It really pays homage to a lot of films and it’s all tongue in cheek, wink, wink, but at the same time, for me, that gives a little bit of, uh, of gravity, I guess.

Uh, the, you know, these people. They, I guess they knew what they were doing. You know, they, they knew the genre, they were intentionally playing with it. They were, they were going for the comedy. Um, but they were really kind of giving little winks and nods and tributes to other, uh, horror films. Um, there’s a very deliberate Carey, uh, spin in, in one of the flashbacks.

That’s really funny, 

Todd: which eventually turns into a star Wars, uh, thing, 

Craig: the lightsabers. So random. Um, there was a little shining tribute there, alien puppet master. One of the guys gets, or any of that genre films, dolls, or demonic wise, right? Um, with a there’s a Teddy bear that just sprouts a knife out of it.

Pawn and kills a guy, um, some evil, dead stuff going on with that, you know, fast motion through the woods kind of thing, all kinds of 

Todd: Omar. There was a jaws one in there. They didn’t, they didn’t limit themselves strictly to horror. Right. Uh, then, you know, with the star Wars, there was E T and, uh, I don’t know if you cut the fury, have you ever seen the fury or 

Craig: Firestarter so 

Todd: similar?

I would think Firestarter maybe was. A little later than this film, but the fury was, was what they were paying homage to, I think when, when they were zooming in, on their eyes and they were staring at people. Oh 

Craig: yeah, yeah. I know what you’re talking 

Todd: about. A lot of that, which was fun and, and it’s kind of interesting.

I don’t know if it’s more reflective of the time or if this was just. Pure lucky, happenstance that all those films we named off pretty much are films that you can still reference today and know what it is. They’re all still iconic, you know, jaws, alien, ITI carry, all those films are still iconic enough that luckily this, it makes us still not quite show its age as much.

That’s true. True. And then of course, the whole notion that they’re going into this haunted house. In order to investigate, it is very much like Amityville or any one of those films from that era, you know, where you’d set up this fancy scientific equipment and there, of course there’s almost no investigation actually going on.


Craig: I mean, it’s, it’s just mad cap hilarity, you know, they’ve got, okay. So they go there and they say, we’ve already got all the equipment set up. Well, apparently the equipment is this big machine that just. Flashes like carnival lights and makes me bloop noises. And they just, they don’t do anything to it.

They just all huddle around it. Look at it. Something must be going 

Todd: on because this machine’s making noise, 

Craig: flashing, colorful lights, clearly 

Todd: there’s something going on, looking more like the cockpit of an airliner or, you know, 

Craig: Or a carnival game or something. I mean, it was just really silly. It reminds me a lot of clue, but it also seemed to have a lot of really direct parallels to Rocky horror, uh, as well, especially in the end.

I mean, as it turns out, as it turns out the, the, okay, so it is Lucifer who is in control of this house, but. Some ancient aliens also use the house to like give them power to do evil works on earth. And in the end, these, how do you even describe it? So in the end, the aliens come to the mansion as doppelgangers of all of the scientists.

One by one, kill off the scientists and then take off in a space ship the end, what 

Todd: is going on? Yeah, super convoluted. And I felt like maybe the only way that, that was shoehorned into what. Seems to be a satanic cult movie, uh, was just to get all those extra references in, you know, was the only thing that made sense to 

Craig: me.

Yeah. I mean, I, it didn’t seem like they were particularly concerned storytelling. It didn’t seem like they were particularly concerned with continuity. Uh there’s at one point, the, the one scientist, the main guy, Dr. Mandeville is the first one to get dispatched, but then it’s almost like they ignore that scene because all of the other doppelgangers.

Only behave in this very kind of stoic way. Um, but then the doctor Mandeville’s doppelganger kills him, but then the character Dr. Mandeville is still in later scenes and they kind of try to explain that like, Oh, it was just the doppelganger playing along. It seems to me like, just. Shoddy editing. In fact, I read something, I don’t remember where it was, maybe Wikipedia or something that said that, um, the filmmakers screened this.

I don’t know if it was for the producer or the distributor or what they, they screened it for him and he liked it. He thought it was funny. Um, but he was absolutely certain that the projectionist had played the reels in the wrong order. It didn’t make any 

Todd: sense. It doesn’t 

Craig: and I had at one point, uh, one of the scientists says, ah, all the pieces are falling together and both of us are like, no, they’re not, 

Todd: not at all.

Well, it’s you had a movie that sort of starts out with just a whole bunch of exposition to catch you up. Sort of ends with a whole bunch of exposition where they just find this room. They pull out this book, he reads and says, Oh, here’s what it says in this book. And then he proceeds to explain the entire film to you by reading it to her in this book before the final ending, 

Craig: this headstone manner was built on the site of a burial ground of an ancient order of monks who once ruled the area by terror and torture.

Folklore has it that the month regularly returned to the site to perform pagan ceremonies. When headstone manna was built, many workers died. Mysteriously stories were rife of monks with appeared in the night and took on the form of any inhabitants of the Manor who met with violent deaths. The MK some say the monks are extraterrestrial visitors from an alien planet.

Emissaries of Lucifer, the Prince of darkness who used the banner as an instrument for that evil powers are there. Right. And that’s maybe two minutes before the end. Let me just explain what was happening the end. I don’t know. It’s a weird movie, but, uh, I liked it. Did you might. Yeah. I might even watch it again, you know, and it’s one of those movies where you could flip to it.

In the middle and you didn’t really miss anything 

Todd: it’s like watching naked God or something like that. Yeah. The point of it is not to follow the story because there is none. No, 

Craig: I mean, it’s, it’s just, you know, slapstick comedy gags, lots and lots of wordplay. That really is pretty low. I mean, it’s kind of the lowest level of comedy, but it’s funny, you know, it’s, you know, it’s, it’s fart jokes, it’s sexual innuendo, it’s panty sniffing ghosts, and go sex and stuff.

Like it’s silly, silly stuff. But it seems like that was what they were going for. It, it’s not one of those movies that. Funny, just because it’s so bad, you know, like, um, uh, the, the kind of infamous troll to, uh, that you laugh at because they’re taking themselves seriously and it’s just so bad, you know, here they are clearly playing it for the comedy.

It’s clearly, you know, that’s the intent and, and, uh, 

Todd: I thought it was funny. They’re actually doing a good job with the comedy. I mean, it really is a root, the guy who played. Uh, Lucas Ray Everett. I, uh, I believe is actually I believe a comedian. Um, and around this time period, he was mostly known for a television show that he had, uh, and a series of, uh, videotapes that he put out that were kind of comedy.

I think this was his first foray into feature film and it, and that was really the last, uh, I don’t think he did anything more film wise, uh, after this movie, but he’s funny. He’s a funny guy. He does a pretty good job with this role. I thought, and again, it’s that slapsticky kind of humor that either looks really, really bad or.

When you can’t pull it off or you pull it off and it’s, you know, it’s 

Craig: goofy. Yeah. And it’s, it’s something you either appreciate or you don’t, you know, if you’re into, uh, Mel Brooks, if you’re into Monte Python, that kind of thing. This is not really even exactly in the same vein, but it kind of was reminiscent to me of, um, haunted honeymoon with Gilda Radner.

Um, it reminded me quite a bit, uh, gene Wilder, remind me quite a bit of that. If that’s what you’re looking for. If you enjoy that kind of comedy, you will enjoy this movie, I 

Todd: think. And what’s nice about it too, is it doesn’t do like what some of those other films often do and they, they referenced. The older film, you know, like it’s you got your Frankensteiny guy and you have your Dracula kind of guy.

I mean, this movie doesn’t really delve into that. It really seems to be a little more contemporary too. It’s even too it’s. Totally. 

Craig: Yeah. I see what you’re saying. And in fact, I think you could even kind of draw a parallel to like the scary movie franchise. I think that this movie. Is better made than those, but it’s the same kind of thing, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s a horse spoof, uh, and, and they do make reference to lots of other movies, but like you said, Fortunately, you know, these movies are ones that have kind of remained iconic.

So you get the jokes. I don’t think that something like scary movie four is going to last as long as this, because they’re only referencing super, super contemporary stuff. That’s come out in the last couple of years stuff. That’s probably largely forgettable. Um, but the, the references here, you know, have, have kind of stood the test of time.


Todd: have, whether they realized it or not, they certainly did. The soundtrack was very aggressive. 

Craig: Yeah. You know, we talked about this last week, there is a lot of synthesizer. I think that’s just kind of a product of the time. Um, and it’s played, you know, to effect, you know, it’s, it’s supposed to be that kind of over the top creepiness.

I thought it was kind of weird. I don’t know when it happened, but it seemed like about halfway through the film. This score turned to like this, like this loot kind of instrument, like a flute or a, uh, uh, a recorder or something. Did you notice that it was, it was weird. I just, cause there had been lots of the dark.

Uh, you know, kind of drawn out synth kind of stuff. And then, yeah. And then all of a sudden in the second, second half, there’s a lot of this kind of light, airy whistling kind of music. 

Todd: I don’t know it was inconsistency in 

Craig: this movie. Right. I, I, I wasn’t really looking for consistency, so it didn’t bother me.

I just. It was kind of, I thought all of a sudden we’re like, you know, among the Woodland elves, like I’ve seen this soundtrack coming from and they do funny things with the soundtrack, like in the ghost sex scene, there’s almost, uh, like a circusy type music going on, um, with all of the commotion, you know, things are flying about the room and, and whatnot.

And then after the ghosts, Sex, uh, the, the girl says, and I thought the music was a nice touch. 

Todd: Just, just little things like acknowledges it. Yeah. And, and, and the special effects were actually pretty good. I mean, for their time, you know, again, they seem to take pains to, they did Gore, but not too much. Um, but then, you know, there’s a little sort of a breathing, uh, meat pie thing.

That’s glowing. There’s a. The sort of floating things around that are fairly well done. There’s a bit of animation in there where people are struck by lightning or get zapped or something like 

Craig: that. Yeah. Some of the effects are fine. Some of them, you know, there was one instance early on in the movie where a pair of the scientists walked down the hall and they walk out of frame.

And then even though it’s still, the camera is still focused in the exact same place. It’s clearly a cut shot before. This like wind and fog blows in the window. It was like they didn’t have the time or the budget to actually coordinate that effect. They had to do two separate shots and cut them together.

And then there were. Some effects that I can only imagine were intended to be silly, like the house glowing red and, you know, it’s clearly, I don’t know how they do that, but it was, you know, animated and post it wasn’t, you know, the house wasn’t actually lit up in any way. And, um, the, the space ship flying off at the end, uh, you know, almost looks like, you know, kind of a, uh, an aluminum foil spaceship on a Popsicle stick going across the screen, you know, but I think that those.

Budget concerns may have been an issue, but I imagine again, it was more just of a tongue in cheek kind of thing. 

Todd: I’m really surprised that this movie hasn’t lasted in anyone’s memory. There are just so many really bad movies that have stuck around and this one. Isn’t really a bad movie. Not really, you know, it’s, it’s corny, it’s cheesy, but it’s trying to be as well.

And again, all the references and things in it, you will get today. And the performances are funny. I mean, it’s almost like the naked gun, you know, of horror and. Those movies are still around. And why isn’t this one? I don’t know, 

Craig: especially, you know, with the cloud that Vincent Price carries. I I’m surprised.

I’m really surprised I hadn’t heard of it before. It would be 

Todd: interesting if we have any listeners in England, our best audience, I mean, it is still available on DVD in the UK. It would be interesting to know if maybe this film does have a bit of a following in the UK and it’s just. Overseas just been completely forgotten about, and maybe that has something to do with it 

Craig: know maybe.

And like I said, I mean, it is very distinctly British. In fact, um, it took me a little while to get acclimated to the accents. I, I almost had a little bit of difficulty, uh, understanding what they were saying initially, but I did, you know, I got. Used to it. And, uh, yeah, but you know, maybe, I don’t know, you know, there’s other slapstick British stuff that is been very, very popular over here.

So I agree. I’m not sure. I’m not sure why it’s so obscure. 

Todd: Well, this movie is so hard to find, um, that I may just make it available. On our website, uh, until it gets released in the U S for any of our listeners who might want to check this out, otherwise you don’t get to watch 

Craig: it. You just get to hear us talk about it, which really isn’t good enough because, you know, we talk about how cheesy and corny it is, but I think you really need to see it.

I don’t want to make it seem like it’s, it’s not worthy of watching. I really think it isn’t. In fact, you know, I, I, I could foresee it. See myself watching it again. Uh, sometime in the future it’s light, you know, it’s lighthearted entertainment. It’s fun. 

Todd: Yeah. If you like airplane, if you like the naked gun, you know, Kentucky fried movie, you like those kinds of films.

I think you’re going to like this film. Me too. Yup. Thank you once again for listening. If you liked this podcast, please share it with a friend. Also check out our website and like us on Facebook as well until next week. I’m Todd and I’m Craig with Two Guys and a Chainsaw.

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