Tagged: Halloween


Dead and Buried

Studio interference probably kept this movie from becoming great. Our verdict? Listen to our first episode this Halloween season to find out!

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Hell House LLC

For a good example of how filmmakers can do little with nothing, this low-key horror film seems to push all the right buttons to pull you in and keep ahold of you until the surprise ending. Give this week’s episode a listen for all the details, but we highly recommend you watch the movie first.

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The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

The Midnight Meat Train is a visceral, uncomfortable tale about a photographer, Leon, scouring the city for the perfect shot to impress a mover-and-shaker in the...

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Satan’s Little Helper

This year, we scraped up this little-known flick with a mostly-unknown cast that happens to include Amanda Plummer. How she ended up in this turkey, we have no idea. The reviews online are kinder to this film than we ended up being. But you know Craig will give it a pass anyway.

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Night of the Demons

The poster art alone is scary enough. There may not be the scariest movie behind it, but it’s high camp 80’s schlock and it takes place during a Halloween party in a possessed (not haunted – know the difference!) house, so it may just be what the doctor ordered for you this season. Give it a listen and see if you agree with our assessment of this cult classic.

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Well, it’s a practical effects extravaganza. You get double the storyline for your money. There’s a host of zany characters. When you have three credited directors, what could possibly be wrong? Before you check this one out, let our podcast prepare you for all the time you will wast….er, spend watching this “night of unrelenting terror”.