Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018

michael myers

Michael Myers is back yet again in a fresh sequel to the 1978 original, set 40 years later and starring a 40 years-older Jamie Lee Curtis. Something about this baby just works, and Craig and I had a ball discussing it. Happy Halloween, everyone!

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Halloween 2018 (2018)

Episode 233, 2 Guys and a Chainsaw

Craig: Hello and welcome to another episode of Two Guys and a Chainsaw.

And it’s our favorite time of the year it’s Halloween season. I don’t know about, I don’t know about you, Todd, but I’ve been watching lots of scary movies, uh, really enjoying the spooky season. I’m doing my, uh, horror unit with my class, having fun with that.

Todd: Awesome.

Craig: Yeah, it’s a lot of fun do it every year. And so when we were talking about movies that we wanted to do for this Halloween season, one of the movies that we have stayed away from.

Is John carpenter’s Halloween because we’ve both talked about it many times and we’ve talked about it on the show about how there are some movies that people have talked so much about that we just don’t really feel like we would have a whole lot to bring to the table as far as fresh, interesting content.

So we just kind of stayed away from it. But this year I thought that, um, It might be interesting to take a look at Halloween 2018. This is a movie directed by and, and co-written by David Gordon green and features the return of Jamie Lee Curtis to the franchise. Jamie Lee Curtis has appeared throughout the franchise.

She was in one, obviously into four part three. They. Straight away from the Michael Myers storyline. And we’ve done that movie in it. It’s an interesting movie in its own. Right. But kind of an outlier in the series. And then four, five, and six kind of took a whole different angle on the Michael Myers story and focused on Laurie Strode, Jimmy Lee Curtis’s characters daughter.

And it turned out like Michael Myers was the result of some evil cult that like. Made all of this happen and turned him into what he is. And then they ignored all those to go back to H2O, Halloween H2O, 20 years after the original Jamie Lee Curtis returned, they ignored four or five and six in the timeline there.

And then she appeared in the next installments briefly where she was killed off. And then there were the remakes, the Rob zombie remakes, and then 40 years later in 2018, we get Halloween. Which was intended initially to be a whole new reboot on the Michael Myers character, new mythology, all that kind of stuff.

It was not intended to be a SQL, but eventually. The filmmakers announced that it would in fact, be a direct sequel to the original movie, ignoring all of the timelines from the rest of the franchise, just to direct SQL to number one. Um, and it came out and I went and saw it in the theater with my dad, as I often do with these types of movies.

Um, and we both. Really really liked it. And so I recommended it for today and I hadn’t seen it since then when it came out in the theater. And so I watched it again yesterday and I had as much as I remembered liking it, I had really kind of forgotten exactly how much I liked it. I think this is a great movie and a great sequel to the original John carpenter’s Halloween.

What’s your story with his movie, Todd, anything.

Todd: I’m ashamed to admit that this thing kind of flew right by my radar. I think I stopped paying attention to the Halloween franchise. After the first few, I never was a huge Michael Myers fan for whatever reason. I was so focused on Freddy. I wasn’t even a Jason fan, really.

So I was really just kind of a one, one note guy interested in Freddy, more than anything else. So I obsessed over the nightmare on Elm street movies. And to me, you know, the Michael Myers movies had always been well, he’s just another. Killer. In fact, when I was younger and I watched the movies, I thought that he was just kind of blah, a guy comes around and he, he was wearing a white mask and he kills people like where’s the hook, where’s the, the creative wacky kills that you get in the Jason movies.

Where’s the dream and supernatural stuff that you get in the. Freddy movies, you know, it’s not a possessed doll, like in the Chucky movie. So like this had always seemed really kind of boring to me in a concept, I guess I wasn’t really, I’m really like the high concept and the supernatural, however, as an adult, you know, going back and watching the original Halloween night, which I have several times as an adult.

In fact, after we watched this movie, I was so struck by what I remembered as being. So many parallels to the original that I had to go back and watch the original, just to test myself. And, uh, I just loved that experience. It’s it’s it is actually a very different, and I’m talking about the original, the original is a very different kind of movie from these others.

You know, it came before most of them, but it’s, it has its own style and its flare. It really takes its time. And, um, I find the character of Michael Myers as an adult, maybe to be creepier than any of those other guys, to be honest. And so coming into this movie, uh, I’m just gonna throw it out there, just like you did.

I thought this was fantastic as well. I, I, it almost did no wrong as far as I’m concerned. It literally picked up right after the first one, I mean, years later, but as though nothing else happened, uh, in what we had seen in the sequels. Past it, I thought took a very realistic notion and idea on. What would happen if you’re the final girl, right?

Jamie Lee Curtis his character from, and thank God she reprised it. But what a great concept, like she was so traumatized by that experience that she becomes this woman. Who’s basically out in the woods, armed her self with all kinds of guns, trains, herself, and target practice. Like every day she has a daughter and she trains her too.

She’s got a house it’s like full of alarms and booby traps and things. And. Her whole life is just basically waiting for him to come back. When you see, when you go back and you see the original, like I did afterwards, you understand why? I mean, it really works. She was traumatized in the original, I mean, the original ends with her just sobbing in tears.

Yeah. Just broken and the. He was pretty relentless in the original, I mean, it all fits so well. It was like, duh, you know, I watched that and I thought, yeah, David was a David McBride who co-wrote the movie along with some input from John Carpenter. And a couple other people, Blumhouse, I think it was Jason Blom, right.

Was the one who kind of, kind of pushed this ahead, uh, at, through its various incarnations to try to get this going. And I just feel like they watched the original movie and with fresh eyes and was like, well, yeah. All right, we’re going to pick up right where this left off this woman’s traumatized. At the end of this movie.

So here we are, years later, she’s still traumatized. Right. And, and he ends up locked up again. And so in many ways, the movie almost parallels in so many ways. I kind of think of it a little bit like star Wars, the force awakens. One of the things that made that movie really successful is that it kind of, in a way, the plot hit all of the same beats that the original did, but it did it in an original way so that you had the fan service there and everybody who was expecting a star Wars movie, like they remembered a star Wars movie.

That’s. Exactly what they got almost to a fault, but there was enough original story and interesting characters in there to be a completely separate movie. And that’s exactly how I felt about this one. Uh, it, it hits so many of the same beats, almost followed a very similar, if not, you could argue almost the same plot as the original, in many ways.

However, it had enough little twist in it and so much interesting. And like I said, I thought very original and realistic take on the characters from the first movie that I was just gripped. I was gripped through the whole thing.

Craig: Yeah. And you said, thank God, Jamie Lee Curtis decided to reprice her role. I agree entirely.

I think it was Halloween resurrection that they asked her to be a part of and she said, I will do it, but I want you to kill me off in the first scene because. I’m done. I’m done with this character. And so they did, and it was, first of all, Halloween, resurrection is a terrible movie. Coincidentally enough, there was a marathon of the Halloween movies on yesterday.

And so I watched four or five them six

Todd: back to back. Oh my God. You did your research this time.

Craig: And, and none of those movies are particularly good. I mean, there’s some things going on there, but Halloween resurrection is, is bad. Like they tried to do like a Michael Meyers reality show type thing, and it was so stupid, but Laurie Strode her character.

There did appear, uh, in the beginning, but she was killed off. And Jamie Lee Curtis had sworn that she was not going to come back, but apparently Jake Gyllenhaal is a family friend, a close family friend, and somehow he talked her into doing it and she did, and she came back and she plays this role. So, well, I think it’s subtle.

It’s nuanced. It’s believable. You believe that this is a woman in trauma, as much as. She’s a bad-ass cause she totally is. She’s like fricking Rambo, you know, like she’s got this whole arsenal of weapons and she’s got all these booby traps. She’s got all this cool stuff, but she’s also vulnerable as strong as she is.

There is a vulnerability too. And you can see that in her performance. I think Jamie Lee Curtis is fantastic. Period. And if I remember correctly, when we talked to bill Oberst junior on the show, after we were done talking to him and we had finished the episode, we stopped recording and we continued to just kind of talk to him and pick his brain for a little bit.

And he had worked with Jamie Lee Curtis in the past. And I asked him, is she as cool in person as she seems to be? And he said, she’s even cooler. Like, uh, so it’s amazing that she came back. Um, and, and she’s great in it. The other thing that I wanted to say was you had talked about. Finding Michael Myers kind of boring.

Initially, what always has fascinated me about the character of Michael Myers is that his motivation is just that he’s evil. That’s it? Yeah.

Todd: That’s all anybody can figure out.

Craig: Yeah. He’s just. Evil. He’s just evil, incarnate. He is an almost unstoppable killing machine. And I don’t know, you know? Yeah. It doesn’t have that intrigue, maybe that.

Freddy has. Um, but, uh, there’s, there’s something really dark and scary about just simply an evil force. And I think that that plays in this movie really well, especially because even though we never get a full shot of him, Yeah, full face shot. We see him a lot in this movie without the mask before he gets it back.

And he’s an old man in this movie he’s supposed to be 61 years old. The character is supposed to be 61 years old. The guy who played him who’s played him before. Actually he was portrayed by more than one person in this movie, but the main guy is 70 in real life and he looks elderly, but. I still believed him as.

A really frightening and powerful force. And he just, he was scary in this way. You know,

Todd: he’s a bit of an enigma, right. And maybe that is what I’m really latching onto now as an adult, as I’m able to just digest and absorb these movies a little bit better, the thing is. I thought they did really well in this film, like you said, is that we are constantly reminded that he’s a person, right.

Part of what is so chilling about him as that, he just seems like this faceless blank slate, the white mask that you don’t see the eyes there’s practically no reaction. I mean, he just moves. He just moves and does his thing, oddly enough, he can get shot or stabbed or whatever, and there is a reaction, right?

It, it clearly hurts him, but you don’t hear a shout, right? You don’t see blood. He seems almost supernatural, except especially in this movie, you get constant reminders that he is a person. So where is his vulnerability? Like? Nobody really knows. Right. He seems to be able to just move in the shadows and almost effortlessly almost as though there’s an aura of protection around him.

Just walk away as another character who could take him out is coming into the scene. Right. That happened several times where it just almost seems to be a matter of coincidence that people just miss him, that he’s not ducking and hiding. He’s just able to be there and able to not be they’re able to just.

Ambled towards you and he’s still gonna get you. So yet, like you said, in the, in the very beginning of the film, And the, and the movie starts off with these two characters, Erin and Dana, who are going to see him in the mental hospital. They’re doing a podcast, I guess, which is very up-to-date. Right.

Craig: So lame

Todd: aside from the fact that they’re lame podcast,

Craig: the loser podcast hosts.

Todd: Nobody’s other podcasts are not quite as lame as ours, where they actually do investigative research and like break stories and stuff. And that’s kind of a thing, right. Where people have actually done these investigative podcasts and followed stories like journalists. And it’s a great format for that.

Not that for the shit we do, but, um,

anyway, Uh, well, so that’s kind of cool. And they go to visit the hospital and they meet up with dr. Sartain, who is, you know, he’s the Luma’s character. And I was like, Oh my gosh, of course, we’re going to get here’s Michael in the hospital. Again, here’s a doctor. Who’s obsessed with him again, who says basically the same things.

Craig: Catalyze being my life’s obsession. I’ve examined. Every single case filed, written on him. I was a student of dr. Lumis before he passed away. And then I lobbied the university of Illinois to be assigned to Michael myself. Any progress museum by over 50 clinical psychiatrists and with each one, the different opinions.

Dr. Loomis was the only one to see him in the wild. And they concluded that he was nothing more than fury.

Todd: Like you said, we never see his face, but he is in this odd, extreme isolation where he’s just chained to the ground in the middle of a yard. Well, spaced out, I should say socially distanced to the extreme from a number of other inmates in this huge yard with a big line drawn around him.

Like. Here’s the line to where he, you know, the chain stops him and they’re trying to talk to him. I mean, again, he said the guy has not talked in 61 years. Another thing that’s spooky about this guy, right? He doesn’t Quip. He doesn’t say a word and they just approach him from behind. And again, it’s like all, you can kind of see the tip of his nose.

You can kind of see the side of it. Face, but we’re never going to get that full on. And, um, this reporter, Aaron has this mask, uh, in his bag that he got and he holds it out and says, Michael, look at the mask, like, look at the mask is this there’s trying to incite him. And then it cuts to the credits. He

Craig: barely barely kind of glances.

Not even over his shoulder, just to the side a little bit, but then it’s, it’s, it’s weird and I’m not really sure what to make of this, but, um, all of the other patients and the guard dogs start to freak out almost as though Michael hat is. I don’t know how to say it without it sounding super cheesy, it doesn’t come off as super cheesy in the movie.

But almost as though the excitement or something that Michael feels at being close to the mask, the other patients can sense it and it agitates them and they all start to freak out. And it doesn’t make a lot of logical sense, but it makes for a very exciting, intense opening scene. And then, like you said, you do get the traditional credits, which is another thing that I love about this movie.

There are so many throwbacks that the font and color of the credits is exactly the same as the first movie. It’s the original score with just a few. Tweaks and modernizations the same imagery of, you know, the cameras coming in on a jack-o-lantern. But in this case, the jack-o-lantern is rotted, but then it comes back, uh, D rots, um, slowly

Todd: the zombie jack-o-lantern.

Craig: For for, for those of us who are fans of the franchise and especially the first movie it’s so nostalgic and it, it anchors it so firmly in the world of the original. Yeah. It’s fantastic. Yeah,

Todd: it is really exciting. Yeah. And just real quick, something just came to me when you were talking about the excitement of the mask.

I wonder. Maybe I’m thinking too deeply about this, but you know, there is kind of a phenomenon lately. Maybe you’ve heard of it, of people being nasty online. Yeah. You know, one thing that seems to be a problem nowadays is that people are able to mask themselves so well.

Craig: And

Todd: we used to think, well it’s because you could be anonymous online and you don’t have to put your real name.

And now we’ve kind of learned that doesn’t matter. Like you can put your real name out there and you can still somehow there’s this. Inclination and people to just be raw and say things they would never say to you in person face to face, but be kind behind sort of the mask of the computer screen.

People are empowered by that. And it’s interesting that Michael Meyer seems to need that mask. Just like you said in the beginning, like he’s there holding a mask out. It’s almost like this mask is so significant and, and he’s, he, he does maybe kind of want it and everybody else kind of around him, knows it after he breaks out.

One of the first things he does is go get his mask, you know? So I do wonder if there is a little bit of that. If we’re going to kind of. Equate this with the modern day and kind of what’s going on. There’s a lot of modern day in this movie with cell phones and texting and, um, which is also kind of nice because it’s a nice contrast actually, to Jamie Lee Curtis, his character who has just turned away from everything kind of disconnected herself from society.

Uh, here’s Michael Myers, evil personified coming relentlessly after people. And how many of us. Do maybe turn into a different person or have these sort of impulses that are more free when we are behind the mask of a, of a computer screen, you know?

Craig: Yeah. Yeah. The mask definitely seems to have major significance and we should say that.

Supposedly, this is the original mask from 40 years ago. Like the guy like got it from the district attorney or something, I don’t know, lame, but it’s the original mask and it looks great. You know, it’s the traditional design, but it’s very aged. Um, it, it looks fantastic. These two reporters, when they can’t get any reaction out of Michael, they think, well, let’s go talk to Laurie Strode, his victim.

Dumb and see if perhaps maybe one monster has created another. Um, and that’s kind of a major motif in the movie is the impact that these two characters have had on one another. Um, The doctor at some point says that both of them kind of only live for the other. Jamie Lee Curtis, his entire life is devoted to protecting herself and her family and, and she wants to kill Michael.

That’s what she is driven by. And Michael is driven solely by his desire to kill her, presumably, because she’s kind of the only one that got away, I guess. I guess the movie does, uh, remove yeah. The whole plot line of them being brother and sister, which was introduced in part two, which I think was smart.

I mean, I think it was smart to just completely divorce itself from all of the mythology established part two on it’s just, it’s just unnecessary. To have that relationship. It didn’t bother me in the original franchise, but I think it’s fine that they left it alone here. Wasn’t it? Her brother who like cold blooded murder, laded, all those teenagers.

No, that’s just a bit that some people made up to make them feel better. I think, I mean, that is scary to have a bunch of your friends get butchered by some random, crazy person, because all things considered. There’s a lot worse stuff that’s happening today. And like, I mean, what a couple of people getting killed by one guy with the knife is not that big of a deal, but they go to her house.

And like you said, it’s like Fort Knox. And she only opens the gate when they offer her money. Uh, they offer her $3,000 and they go in and Dana’s kind of interviewing her and saying, we wanted to talk to you to see, you know, to hear more of your story. She says, you know, we’ve done this before. We’ve talked about cold cases and other.

Crimes. And we’ve been able to unearth new insights and Laurie just looks at her and says, there’s nothing to learn. There are no new insights. They bait her a little bit. You know, they talk about her history. They say that she had two failed marriages, that she has a Rocky relationship with her daughter and her granddaughter.

The state took away her daughter at age 12 and she never got custody back. She still has a relationship with her daughter, but it’s strained and they want. To her to try to talk to Michael, to try to get him to talk.

Todd: There’s so naive.

Craig: Yeah. It’s, it’s stupid. I mean, it’s, it’s really stupid. I mean sure. You know, it would be great for their podcast, you know, like that’d be fantastic if they could really get it to happen, but it also completely ignores her safety and sanity and you know, it’s exploitive.

Yeah, but she flat out rejects it and she only talks to them for a few minutes and then makes them go away. And then that’s when we’re introduced to her daughter, Karen, who’s played by Judy Greer, who is an actress who you have seen in every movie in the last 10 years. Um, she always plays second fiddle, always.

I think that she’s a great actress. I love her in this movie. Um, and she has a daughter. Alison played by a newcomer. Andy Marecek. Um, the role of Alison was kind of a lot of young. Up and coming actresses were vying for this role, but they decided to go with a relative unknown as they had with Jamie Lee Curtis in the original.

And Alison kind of takes on Jamie Lee Curtis’s role from the first movie. She’s the young teenage girl. There are so many parallels, like you said, like after a little bit of interaction with the family, Alison leaves. With her friends and they’re walking to school down the street in Haddonfield, in suburbia with all of the Halloween decorations out.

I mean, it’s, it’s all, but identical to the scene of Laurie. Walking with her friends in the early scenes of the movie. And then later you see Alison at school in a classroom and she turns and looks out the window and her grandmother, Jamie Lee Curtis is standing there just as Michael Myers was standing there.

When Jamie Lee Curtis was looking out that same window 40 years ago. Um, and it’s fan service. But it works. Like it doesn’t, it doesn’t feel cheesy or corny. It feels like Oman and it’s exciting and fun.

Todd: Well, and it serves the theme too. That there’s a part of each. That is the other, right. I mean, the, the monster is.

Perhaps created the monster. So Jamie Lee Curtis is like Michael Myers in a way in that she’s creeping out there that she’s a little obsessive, you know, can’t get past this one note, you know, that she has now. So, I mean, yeah, just kind of putting her in the place of him. Visually hits that home. One thing that struck me, especially as I went back and watched the original talking about how this franchise is, or at least the first movie or so it was really quite unique.

And that is how much of suburbia we really get. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Nightmare on Elm street takes place in suburbia, too. However, these streets are just kind of the quiet. Empty suburban streets outside any town, you know, it’s just, I mean like where you and I, Craig spent a lot of time,

Craig: that’s it?


Todd: as you watch it and you realize you’re watching a horror movie, you realize how creepy this could in fact be because. If you travel around to Europe and to a lot of other countries, this same sort of town or the same sort of streets would be filled with people like Pete will be out in the yard.

People would be using the sidewalks and here it’s quite empty. And it isn’t the first movie and it is in this as well. Like of course they’re walking home from school or they’re walking to school because school happens to be nearby, but they’re pretty much the only people on the street. And so. There moments where in the original Michael Myers, just sort of it’s there and then he’s there.

And middle of the day, you still feel like something could go down here. And probably even nobody would notice just a bit of the tragedy of the suburbs as well, you know, but that, like you just said, that has been recreated. And in this movie too, and a lot of that. Really hasn’t changed in the last, since that time.

Right. So it’s really eerie. And actually in that way,

Craig: yeah, it still works. I mean, you’re right. As much as things have changed, many things, haven’t, you know, I live in a small town just like. That really probably smaller really, but you know, my street is a very sleepy street. Yeah. There’s kids out playing sometimes and you see people walking their dogs by, but it’s just, I don’t know.

It feels very rooted. Yeah. In reality, in that way, Alison and Laurie have a talk where Alison basically says to Laurie, look, you’ve let this consume your whole life. You’ve just got to let it go. And obviously that’s very naive. Alison by the end of the movie might understand why Laurie is unable to let all of this go at this point, but they talk about, um, Laurie’s relationship with Allison’s mom, Karen, and how it’s strained and why she was taken away.

All this hiding, all this preparation. It was for nothing. I mean, it took priority over your family. It costs you your family. If the way I raised your mother. Instead, she hates me, but then she’s prepared for the horse, this world. Then I can live with that. So human and real, you know, this, her kid was taken away from her because.

She is an extremist. Uh, you know, I guess the, or whatever felt that teaching her 12 year old daughter to shoot guns and set booby traps and stuff was inappropriate, but she was doing it out of love protection as much as it clearly pain, sir, because she tears up. When the interviewers ask her about her daughter, it clearly pains her that their relationship is strained.

She doesn’t regret it. She would do it again. It’s interesting. And it pays off in an instant.

Todd: It really does. And let me just point out again, you know, after watching the first movie, to be honest, this is a character in need of redemption. If you go back and watch the movie as much as she’s the final girl and in so many horror movies, the final girl.

Sort of the bad-ass or at least as the one that is able to just rise a little bit above everybody else and be just slightly smarter or just more tenacious to get through it. And so we really respect them. You go back and watch that original and it’s, it’s a miracle. She lived through it. She makes all the wrong moves.

You know, she does the cliche go upstairs when she supposed to go outside, she fricking. Locks the kids in one room while she goes into hides in a closet in another room, leaving the kids to peril and putting herself in a situation where she has no control. And she’s like this through the entire movie.

So you can see not only. What did she leave that film traumatized, but probably looking back on the situation, she’s probably thinking the same thing. I was lucky to get out of there. I’m not going to make that same mistake again. And so again, like she’s perfectly set up for this great character arc and you really love her in this movie because of it.


Craig: Right. Even though she’s tortured and probably not terribly pleasant to be around like

Todd: no fun.

Craig: There’s a family, a family celebration dinner with Alison and her. Parents and her boyfriend, Cameron, they’re celebrating the fact that Alison got into the national honors society or something. Alison is mad at her mom cause she thinks that her mom intentionally didn’t invite her grandmother, but she did.

Um, and Laurie, Laurie does show up. And what they don’t know is that this happens to be Halloween 40 years to the day that. All of the stuff from the original movie went down and also, coincidentally, this is also the day that Michael is going to be transferred to a different facility. Uh, he’s not going to be studied anymore.

He’s just going to be locked away forever. And Lori has gone to. The, the place where he was and she, she watches them, bring out the prisoners, including Michael. And she’s sitting there with a gun as though she intends to try to shoot him as he’s being transferred, but she can’t bring up the nerve to do it.

And when she gets to the dinner, she’s already been drinking and she grabs a glass of wine off the table and starts drinking. And Karen’s mad at her and says, you know, you promised you wouldn’t. Drink and whatnot. And Lori sits down and really just kind of breaks down and starts weeping and says, I saw him, I wanted to kill him, but I didn’t know what to do.

And like I said, as much of a bad ass as she is, she is still fragile in some ways, like as much as she wanted to, as long as she’s been waiting for this date, when presented with this opportunity, though, it wasn’t a good opportunity. How she would have gotten by the guards or any other number of factors.

You know, it probably wouldn’t have worked out, but she couldn’t get herself to do it in that moment. Um, and she ends up getting in, running out and Alison follows her, but Lori just walks away and that’s when. Karen Allison’s mom tells her the story of her growing up and we see it in flashback, all of the weapons, training, tactical training, all that stuff.

And it’s kind of a cool flashback section, but then we get to, we, we cut immediately to this father and son in a car. Having an interesting conversation where the son is talking about how he really likes going hunting with his dad, but he really wishes they could do it on the weekend because he’s having to miss his dance class.

Um, and I, I, I did too. Are you sure that I read that, uh, David Gordon green, the director was involved in dance. When he was young. And so this was kind of a little personal Omar, but they come across the bus that had been transferring Michael and other inmates is crashed along the side of the road. And these inmates are just very creepily walking around in the dark, in the middle of the road.

And the dad gets out to go check to see what’s going on. And the kid calls the cops, but he doesn’t know exactly where they are. So he gets out with his gun cause they were going hunting a rifle. He finds. A cop who appears to be dead, but is not really in the cop, tells him just to run. But instead he goes to look for his dad and he gets on the bus.

And the doctor who had been a squirting, Michael is still on the bus and he pops up unexpectedly and says, don’t shoot. But he frightens the kid and the kid shoots him. So the kid runs back to the car, hoping to get help. And Michael kills. Him. And this is a young kid and I’m not surprised that the movie went here.

Um, I’m, I’m almost a little bit glad that it did, because one of the things that I do like about Michael in this movie, Is that he is brutal, but it seems that he’s not just indiscriminately killing people. He’s just kind of killing the people well, that are in the way, you know, like there, there was one scene, there was one kill that I was, I really didn’t understand.

We’ll get there in a second, but for the most part part, it’s just kind of people who get in his way to getting. To Laurie. And the other thing that I like about this movie is that the kills are brutal and very violent and graphic sometimes, but also economical. Rob zombie’s remakes are very interesting in their own.

Right. And I liked them when they came out, but comparing them to this movie, the Michael and Rob zombie’s movies, is it it’s, it’s almost as though he takes pleasure. In killing people and it, the kill scenes are so drawn out. Like he beats poor Daniel Harris to, within an inch of her life over a long period of time.

I mean, it’s, it’s just masochistic. It’s horrible in this. Yes. It’s very violent and it’s very bad. Brutal, but it’s also economical. Like he’s just gonna kill ya and it’s, he’s not going to take his time about it.

Todd: Yeah. And then he’s just walking away

Craig: and then he’s gonna walk away. Yeah. And I guess that the guy who played him actually talked to some.

Killers about their methods and the writer director thought about it too, and thought, yeah, you know, these, these true killers, they’re just, they’re getting the job done. They’re not messing around. They’re not playing with you. They’re just getting the job done. And I like that about him in this movie. So he kills this kid, but.

It’s quick and then he’s got a car. And like you said, that’s when he goes to get his mask.

Todd: So we get back to Aaron and Dana, the two reporters and they, with the mask in the trunk of their car, pull into a gas station. Now I really wasn’t. I kind of expected us to see Aaron and Dana. For more of the movie, I thought they might be getting in the way I thought they might be egging things on.

I thought the movie was going to take a little bit of that turn, but actually no, Michael just goes and kills them and takes the mask. There is a terrifying scene in the bathroom of this rest stop where Dana has gone in there to use the toilet. And as she’s. In there. She sees these feet come in and he goes, opens one stall, opens the next, all opens the next, finally gets to her.

I don’t remember exactly how it all went down, but I just remember being extremely uncomfortable. She does put up quite a fight. She’s on the floor. He’s pulling her out. But yeah, this is probably I, if I’m not mistaken, this is might be the most brutal kill scene in the movie.

Craig: Well, yeah, I mean, it is one Aaron intervenes, um, as she’s being attacked and Michael brutally kills him by smashing his head against every hard surface

Todd: bathroom

Craig: bathroom.

Yeah. And then, then once he is incapacitated, but not yet dead. So he gets to see. Dana be murdered. Also, he gets a hold of her and he picks her up by the neck and snaps her neck. And this happens several times when Michael is strangling somebody that he’s strangling them for a few seconds, but then their neck breaks and they’re just dead.

Uh, and I felt like that was. Realistic too, you know, somebody’s holding you up by your neck and you’re struggling. Chances are your neck might break good for before you succumb to suffocation, but yeah, that’s brutal, but then he gets the mask and. We use the word iconic so much. I feel like we overuse it, but it feels iconic when he reaches into their car and pulls out the mask and puts it on in broad daylight with tons of people around.

And not only has he killed those two, but he also killed everybody else in the gap, like all the employees and the guests.

Todd: Oh. And that’s how, uh, Michael kind of signaled to her that she was next is he dropped some bloody teeth. Right down on the ground, right under the stall there

Craig: ripped a guy’s jaw completely out and apparently ripped his teeth out to, uh, it’s on the news that he’s escaped.

And Lori hears it. We see that she has a secret basement under her kitchen Island, which is important later she goes, uh, Laurie goes in Warren’s Karen. She scares Karen in her own home. She says, look, he he’s out. We have to find him. We have to kill him. Karen and her husband, who’s a nice guy. I never wrote his name down, but he’s, you know, this nice kind of funny dad or whatever, but they kick her out.

And so she goes to the crime scene where we’re introduced to, uh, captain Hawkins, who was one of the officers in the original film and the actor reprises his role and Hawkins sees her there. And. Hawkins knows because he’s dealt with Michael before how serious this is, but then we get trick-or-treaters and I love it.

You know, it’s nighttime, there’s trick-or-treaters three of them are wearing the silver Shamrock masks from part three. Right. It was,

Todd: it was unmistakable.

Craig: There’s also no Mazda part two. One of the little kids is dressed as a kid from the eighties, holding a big boombox up to his ears and Michael bumps into him as he did with somebody holding a big boombox up to his.

Head and part two, even though they ignored all of the backstory, there are images to every movie in the franchise and you can read about them on IMD B, but like I said, he’s just out there amongst everybody. And he goes into just casually, you know, like he just walks through this town. That’s what I’m sexually.

Todd: Well, and the shot is great because it’s one of these geek shots where it’s all one take it’s one very, very long take following him around. And it’s so cool to see that because, well, of course it’s Halloween. So a guy walking around with a big mask on, even with the knife in his hand, isn’t going to, you know, raise too much, too many waves, but just to kind of like.

For a moment just to be in his head and see his modus operandi, where he just goes down the street, looks at the trick or treaters bumps into one turns down, walks into the shed, picks up a hammer, casually walks into this house where there’s a woman in the kitchen, uh, and then just walks into the kitchen and we don’t see it, which I actually really liked, but she kind of goes off frame for a second and he follows her there and he just.

You can hear it in your imaginations. Probably worse. Beats her to death with a hammer. And then the camera goes in, we see the aftermath and we follow him with a hammer. He goes out, he goes to a different house. I mean, it’s like, it’s really cool actually for a moment in this movie to be with him again, kind of like we were with him in the, in the beginning of the first movie, right.

The opening scene. Right?

Craig: Right. Well, after he kills that woman and gets her big knife. By the way everybody in this town has enormous kitchen knives. If they’re like butchering hogs,

Todd: whatever, that’s what it is

Craig: after he kills that woman and he gets the knife, he walks through the house and you hear a baby crying and.

He walks up to the bassinet kind of, but then he just turns and walks away and he doesn’t kill the baby. And I remember when the movie came out that that was kind of a point of discussion for fans. Like why didn’t he, you know, if he’s just pure evil, why wouldn’t he kill the baby? But I think. For me, it makes sense because there’s no reason to, he doesn’t need to, like I said before, it’s kind of like, he’s just killing the people who are in his way and the baby’s not in his way, you know?

So he just walks away and leaves it. But that leads to the next kill, where he walks up to this lady’s house and she’s on the phone and she’s talking to somebody named Sally and she’s like, Oh my gosh, I didn’t hear well, I’ll make sure to keep my doors locked. So somebody has called her about Michael escaping.

But I don’t know who this woman is supposed to be. And he kills her. And this is the only kill that I didn’t understand his motivation for, because as far as I could tell, she wasn’t in the way and he didn’t get anything from her. So I don’t know if that character was supposed to be somebody. That I should know who she is.

I felt like they were hitting us over the head with her keeps saying, Oh yes, Sally, I’ll be very careful, Sally. Like, I felt like there was supposed to be some connection.

Todd: It was another homage to one of the other movies. Okay.

Craig: If so, I didn’t read about it. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. Then we go to the Halloween dance where.

Alison and Cameron are dressed as Bonnie and Clyde, but like gender swapped, it’s kind of cute. And there’s silly high school business with them. She gets a phone call from her friend, Vicky, who is babysitting, which is, you know, classic callback to the original, but she’s, she’s babysitting this kid named Julian this little boy.

And he is so funny. Like

Todd: he is a smart ass little kid.

Craig: He is hilarious. You telling your friends to come over here and you’re going to smoke some weed? No, no, the Alexan Julian. I’m talking about like a, you know, like a mad magic trick, like abracadabra. I know you talking about smoking weed. Don’t lie to me.

That’s against the rules. I’m telling my mom. Well, I’m going to tell your mom about your browser history. You better not. You can get me in trouble. I can get you in trouble. Um, he used to be my favorite, but now you’re like my 10th favorite boy that I nanny and I babysit some fucking, those are kids. Find some other kind of babysitter.

She’d be reading me a story. I wouldn’t be up. Couple of my nasty ass toenails. You used to be cool. We used to be friends, but nah, give this kid his own movie. He was so funny, but when she gets off the phone, Alison sees her boyfriend kiss another girl in the five seconds that she’s been away from him. He has gotten shit faced drunk.

He, he kisses another girl and he’s a Dick about it. And her phone rings and it’s her grandmother, but he grabs the phone from her and throws it in a big punch bowl, full of

why was there a big punch bowl, full of

Todd: pudding, so many questions,

Craig: but she’s without her phone now.

Todd: And th this is a neat way of dealing with the whole cell phone issue, right? Because actually her phone’s been ringing, uh, Lori has been trying to text her and call her a couple times. She ignored it once she didn’t see it, her phone’s ringing and he happens to be there to grab her and throw in her pudding.

It’s a neat way of dealing with the whole cell phone issue. Like why, why isn’t everybody informed by now that there’s this killer on the loose, especially the people at the high school dance. Right,

Craig: right. Then we go back to Vicki and her boyfriend, Dave shows up and they start making out or whatever, but they hear a noise upstairs.

And Julian comes running downstairs saying that he saw somebody standing in the hall, watching him. And, uh, Vicky’s like, okay, I’ll go check it out. And Julian’s like, Cindy, first

he goes in the room to check it out and she messes with him like, Oh sir, I need you to leave. But then she pops out and scares. I’m like, there’s nobody in there. She puts him back to bed and they have a sweet little moment. And he says, can you close the closet? And she goes to close the closet, but it’s like, there’s something in the way.

And when she opens the door to see what’s in the way. There’s Michael and he slashes her and Julian goes, Oh, shit gets up, runs out.

Todd: He is not a hero. He is a smart guy, Julian.

Craig: And he runs down and he, he gets to Dave and he’s like, Dave, you got to. If you try to help her you’ll die. And then he just runs away some smart kid.

Todd: I have, I wasn’t seeing, I wasn’t seeing her death coming either. I mean, it shouldn’t surprise.

Craig: It was sad because she was pretty nice. Yeah. And, uh, we don’t, he kills Dave off screen. We see Dave’s body later. Um, yeah. But there’s a call, like, I guess probably Julian ran to a neighbor’s or something. And so there’s a call for a domestic disturbance and both Hawkins and Laurie hear it because Lori has a police scanner in her car, and she’s been driving around looking for Michael too.

So they both show up there. Hawkins goes inside and finds Vicki’s body draped in a sheet, a ghost sheet. Laurie sees Michael. In one of the bedroom windows, and it appears that he sees her too, and she aims her gun and fires and it looks like she hits him in the head. But as it turns, turns out what she had seen was really just a reflection in the mirror.

So, um, Hawkins is pursuing from inside. Lori’s pursuing from outside. Michael comes out and like you said, is just kind of ambling along, not running or anything. Um, and Laurie gets a shot and, and, and shoots him, like gets him, I think, in the shoulder, but then somehow he disappears.

Todd: This is the thing I don’t understand about this character.

I guess it’s part of the enigma, but he, I don’t, I don’t, I haven’t seen all the six sequels Craig, I think I’ve seen the first two, but this guy can get a good shot. He can get stabbed all this stuff of fall from a window and then he’s gone. What’s the deal. Well, are we supposed to think he’s supernatural in a way, or is that just supposed to be ambiguous?

Craig: Four or five and six set it up that he was supernatural, but the earlier ones did not. He’s just a guy. And I think it’s just because he’s such a big guy and because he’s crazy that these injuries, they are, I mean, he is injured and later Laurie shoots off some of his fingers and they’re gone, you know, like, and he’s bleeding and in pain, I think he’s just supposed to be.

Very strong. It’s not particularly realistic, but, but I, I don’t think that he’s supposed to be supernatural. I think he’s just supposed to be a guy, but he gets away again. And spar Tane. The doctor shows up on scene and Hawkins introduces him to her and she says, Oh, so you’re the new lumen, what the audience is saying too.

Todd: It’s

Craig: hilarious. And she tells him, I pray every night that he would escape and Hawkins, I think says, why would you do that? And she says, so I can kill him. And she turns and walks away. Alison is walking. I, I’m not sure where she’s going. I think that she’s going. To the house where Vicki was. Um, but she’s walking with Oscar who is Cameron’s goofy friend, the, the cops and Lori show up at Karen’s house and get her in the husband.

And Karen’s freaking out because she can’t get Alison on her phone. Cause Alison doesn’t have her phone. Oscar makes a move on Alison, which she totally rejects and she walks away and he’s drunk and sitting in the backyard of this house and he turns around. And he sees Michael standing behind him. He thinks it’s the owner of the house.

So he’s just talking to him kind of casually and then he gets killed. But in a pretty brutal way, he ends up getting stabbed, but also impaled through the head on the top of a big spiky fence that he’s hanging from. And Alison hears. Him screaming for help. So she runs back and she he’s already dead, but she and Michael see each other.

So she runs and screams and starts beating on doors. And eventually. The police do arrive and they get her and Hawkins says, we’re going to take you to your mom and Karen and Lori and her and Karen’s husband are all at Laurie’s house. And Laurie says, he’s waited for this night. He’s waited for me. I’ve waited for him.

Come on, Michael. And then this next scene Hawkins and Sartain are in the front of the police car. And. Uh, Alison is in the back and they tell Alison to keep an eye out because all of this has happened very soon. They say he can’t be far, he’s gotta be around. And they do in fact, find him, which led up to.

I don’t know, this scene just really surprised me. I didn’t see it coming, I guess.

Todd: Do you know what I’m talking about? Yeah. I know what you’re talking about. This is when they, they come up upon Michael Myers, he’s in the road and they run and he gets hit. Right.

Craig: Hawkins runs him down with the

Todd: car, so he’s down.

And so he is on the ground and a Hawkins gets out with his gun and goes over to check on him. And it appears that he is. Going to kill him.

Craig: Well, the doctor runs up to him and doctors there first. Yeah. The doctor runs up to him and says, he’s dead. And Hawkins says, I don’t care. I’m going to blow his brains out anyway, which so smart.

You know, like if only more people in horror movies would do this, the movies would be so much shorter, but Sartain pulls out what looks like a pen out of his, uh, shirt. Pocket and pulls out a knife and stabs Hawkins in the neck and kills him. And I didn’t Sartain has seemed a little bit unhinged, like he’s, he’s obsessed.

He’s clearly obsessed with, he has a clinical detachment

Todd: with what’s going on because of his obsession with Michael. Yeah.

Craig: Even he, he had said at some point that he just wishes that he knew what it was. Felt like, you know, to, to be in Michael’s head or, or how these events, the events that have happened, how they’ve affected Michael and turned him into what he is.

And he’s so obsessed with it that he kills Hawkins. And then he puts on Hawkins his coat and he puts on Michael’s mask for a minute, almost like he just kind of wants to be in his head and he picks up Michael and puts him in the back seat with Alison. Which gets a cop car. So they’re stuck back there.

She can’t get out. And Sartain starts driving apparently towards Laurie’s house and says, I’ve never seen Michael in the wild. I want to observe him in his natural habitat. So it’s like, he’s going to take Michael to Lori and release him there. But before they get there, Michael wakes up, puts the mask back on.

Cause Sartain had thrown it in the floorboard of the backseat of the car. Alison. Get Sartain to stop by saying he talked to me, I saw him earlier and he talked to me and Sartain says, what did he say? And she says just one word. And if you, if you pull over and let me go, I’ll tell you. And he, he, he does pull over and he’s asking her, but not letting her out.

And they’re kind of screaming at one another. When Michael wakes up, puts his mask back on and then busts the cage forward and gets out, pulls Sartain out of the car. Alison gets out of the car and starts running too through the woods. I don’t even know if she knows where she’s going. She ends up at Laurie’s house eventually.

And then, uh, Sartain is laying on the ground and says to Michael, just say something. And Michael just looks at him and then picks up his foot and. Herb stomps him smashes his whole head,

Todd: smashes his head with this

Craig: and there’s brains

Todd: everywhere asked me what I thought of it, to be honest, I think earlier I said, I could find no fault with this movie.

I’m going to take that back. This bit, struck me as a little contrived and overly dramatic. I. I don’t know, I, of course it could happen, right? There’s this doctor he’s obsessed with a patient and he himself might become a little unhinged at some point. Maybe the idea is that Michael has had some kind of influence over him as well.

And so he’s turned him evil or maybe the evil’s catching and spreading. I don’t know. I felt like it was a contrived plot device to keep the movie going. I don’t really feel like a doctor is even an unhinged. I don’t know. Of course he’s supposed to be out of hand, you know, but like a, doctor’s not gonna, you’d have to be the, he basically have to be a criminal to, he couldn’t be as old as this guy is as much as he studied Michael and all this to think that he’s just going to murder others so that he can have the opportunity to, uh, set Michael free.

And I guess the implication is that he. Set him free by somehow causing the car accident in the first one?

Craig: I think so there’s nothing, not sure

Todd: we’ve been clear about it, but I mean, he is oddly enough, the only one alive in that van and you do kind of wonder. Why everybody else is dead and he seems to be alive and kicking.

So yeah, I, wasn’t a huge fan of this twist. And as soon as he died, you know, I forgot about it. And cause, cause it gets us to where we need to be anyway. Right. Which is the big face off between Michael and Lauren, which is what we’re all going for.

Craig: Yeah. I thought, I thought it was kind of stupid too, but to be fair.

Throughout the franchise, dr. Loomis did some pretty questionable things to, um, Lumis in some of the sequels would intentionally put innocent people in danger to try to lure Michael places or to get Michael to do certain things. Um, I don’t think that he ever. Killed anybody or intended to kill anybody, but he definitely did some questionable things.

So there are still shades of Donald Pleasants is Lumis here. Donald Pleasants also has, um, presence in the movie. There’s there’s sketches of him. There’s voice recordings of him. He passed away before he was in part five. I think it was. And he was in it, but then it, or maybe it was six. I don’t remember, but it was one of the ones that went, it went through so many.

Reshoots and, and script changes that. If you watch the theatrical release, it doesn’t even really make any sense. There’s a, producer’s cut this supposedly makes more sense, but I’ve never seen it anyway. You’re right. Getting to the good part. The big showdown the cops saw some of this, like all of this happened just down the street from Laurie’s house.

And there were two guards posted there and they saw kind of something going on, but they weren’t sure what it was. So they pull up there kind of in the aftermath and. We don’t see what happens. All we see next is the cop car pulls up in front of Laurie’s house. And Allison’s dad goes out to ask them if there’s any.

Updates on where Alison is and he opens the door and the cops are both dead in the car. One of them is sitting in the driver’s seat. The other one has the other cops head in his lap and Michael has made it into a jack-o-lantern hollowed it out and put some kind of light inside it. So it is, it’s a human ed jack-o-lantern

Todd: he clearly he had, he had some time on his hands.

He’s a more creative person than we’ve ever given him credit for. So, you know,

Craig: he wanted to set up a nice little scene and, um, And then I knew this was coming. It still makes me kind of sad. The, the dad gets killed, Michael, strangles him for a while and then breaks his neck. I figured it was going to happen.

It made me, it made me sad cause I felt bad for Karen and Alison, but I think that it’s also in keeping, because like I said, now, Karen and Al maybe we’ll understand why Lori is, is the way that she has been.

Todd: They’ll appreciate her more.

Craig: Right. Should learn to create

Todd: your grandmother more. It’ll bring

Craig: Navy this’ll, it’ll bring them closer together.

Michael. Then Laurie is standing by the front door, like waiting for Michael to arrive. And he busts his arms through the glass of the door and gets a hold of her head and her throat. And they struggle for a while and it really looks like he’s going to get the better of her.

Todd: It does,

Craig: but she ends up, she’s got a rifle and they struggle with it for awhile.

And then she’s able to. Fire it, and it blows off like three of the fingers on one of his hands and she’s able to get away. So she turns on all of her floodlights and she and Karen go down into that secret basement. Michael is in the house. Lori shoots up through the floorboards and it sounds like she got him.

So she says, I have to finish this. And she goes up and she goes looking for him all over their house. And she thinks that he’s in the closet much. Like she had hid in the closet, but he’s not. And she is like sealing off rooms one by one. Like she’s got like these amazing metal, like rolling trap doors that comes down our block.

Todd: It’s smart. Yeah.

Craig: She ends up in the dummy room. Like she’s got a shooting range on her house where she does target practice with dummies. And apparently she stores them in one of the rooms in her house and it’s really creepy and he ends up jumping out at her and they struggle. I think she gets stabbed a little bit.

And then he throws her out the window just as he was thrown out the window in the first movie. And it’s a total throwback. He looks and she’s there. Then Alison comes in the house and he hears that. So he looks away. And when he looks back, she’s gone, Karen here’s Alison. So she gets her down in the basement with her.

And then Michael is. He heard them, I guess. And so he, um, is messing with the Island and eventually he rips it off. And this is my favorite part of the movie. Um, Karen is down there and she looks at the arsenal of her mom’s guns and she grabs one that has her initials carved into it. So obviously this was her gun from when she was a child and she’s standing there and she pushes Alison off to the side.

And when Michael throws away the Island. She screams for her mom and she’s crying and she’s saying, mom, mom, I need you help. I can’t do it. I’m sorry. I can’t do it. And she’s crying and she’s so distraught. And then Michael steps into the stairwell and immediately her entire demeanor changes. She gets very serious and she just goes gotcha.

And she shoots him. And I don’t remember, I think she got him in the, maybe the shoulder or maybe. She grazed his head. I don’t remember, but that was one of my favorite fake-out scenes in any movie ever. And I thought Judy Greer played it so great. And it was so satisfying that, you know, she, she hit it. She lured him into range.

By playing vulnerable. And as it turns out, she’s not vulnerable because her mother prepared her and I love it.

Todd: Great. And it faked me out to me too. It was great. He falls into the basement. I think that he grabs out at her again.

Craig: Laurie stabs him from behind, which causes him to fall into the,

Todd: Oh, that’s it.

He gets knocked in there. Grabs Karen’s leg.

Craig: Yes. And tries to pull her back down. But Alison grabs. The big kitchen knife and slashes Adam slashes his, his hand and he lets go and they pull Karen out and Lori hits a button and these huge like swords or spikes shoot across the entrance. And Karen says to Alison, I know you thought that was a cage because, uh, Laurie had said something similar to Karen earlier.

I know you thought that this was my cage and then. When they had been down there, Karen was freak or Alison was freaking out saying, Oh, we’re trapped in a cage. And then Alison says, or Karen says, it’s not a cage. It’s a trap. So Laurie has had this plan for ever, and they are, and they executed it. And then Laurie flips some other switches and gas starts shooting out from all of these various vents and hoses.

She lights some flare and throws it down in the basement, the gastric nights. And Michael just stands there and looks up at them as the flames. Surround him. And it’s just such a cool character thing. Like we talked about how he’s pretty much unfazed, you know, when he gets shot or when he gets injured.

And in this part, when he’s an imminent peril, it’s almost as though he’s still unfazed. There’s nothing he can do. He’s trapped down there and he just stands there and looks at them. And they run out and Alison flags down a truck. And the last scene that we see is them in the bed of the truck, the three Strode women, um, all of them having had to face up against Michael at this point, just sitting.

You know, quietly in the back of the truck as it drives away. And that’s the end and the trailer for the next one, Halloween kills is out and it looks like it picks up exactly where it leaves off here. Um, you see them in the back of the truck and then you see a firetruck fly by and you hear Lori scream.

No, let him burn, let him burn. And that’s kind of all. See, that’s kind of all you see in the trailer. Um, but John Carpenter, when this movie came out, said, definitively, this is going to be the last Michael Myers Halloween movie, even though film makers were contractually obligated to option SQL. And initially they had planned to shoot two movies back to back, but they said, you know what, let’s take it slow.

Let’s do this first one and learn from it. And then see if we want to move forward. Well, by the time it was finished, The SQL was already lit and they green-lit two additional SQLs. So Halloween kills has already filmed. It’s complete. I don’t think it’s going to come out until 20, 21 sometime because of the pandemic, but it’s done.

And they still plan to do Halloween ends, which I really hope they get to do. It makes me a little nervous. Jamie Lee Curtis is not a spring chicken. I think that she’s in perfect health, but you know, you never know. Um, so I hope they get to finish it out because I so enjoyed this movie. I’m looking forward to the next one.

I just feel like they’ve really kind of caught lightning in a bottle. With this, uh, it just turned out so well,

Todd: I’m totally with you on that. I feel like, uh, yeah, except for that little bit in there really the rest of the movie, I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was really into it and it. Really gave me a new appreciation for the character.

I thought it really rounded out Lori’s character very well. And it made me so interested to see what these next two generation of women are going to be facing. And these knowing that there are two more movies coming, I thought it was great. They all got a stabbing or a gunshot in at him at the end. You know, it was very apropos.

And so, uh, yeah, it’ll be interesting to see where it goes. I I’m I’m I think I’ll be coming a new fan. Of the franchise simply because of this film I saw, uh, Rob zombie’s Halloween and I got tiresome. I felt like it went on really long and was just violence for the sake of violence. And after awhile I was just kind of bored.

So, Oh, uh, this does, I think exactly what it set out to do and put a proper CQL. Onto the original that extends the story in a way that’s going to be a little more sophisticated, you know, going forward and really interesting. The kind of thing you can only do, you know, what is it? 40 years later

Craig: or years later?

Todd: Oh God. You’re right. Hopefully everyone’s going to

Craig: stay alive.

Todd: Finish it out

Craig: at this point. I don’t even know how many Halloween movies there are. I think 10, 11, 12, something like that. It’s crazy. Um, But yeah, this, this, uh, and Jamie Lee Curtis said that she thinks that this movie lives up to the original and, and I agree with her.

Huh. So, anyway, I’m glad we did it. I’m glad we talked about it and I think it’s perfect for the Halloween season. Totally puts me in the Halloweens. So happy Halloween loyal listeners. We thank you for sticking with us for all these years. And, uh, I don’t think we have any plans of slowing down anytime soon.

So thank you for listening to this episode. If you enjoyed it and you haven’t already listened to our back episodes, uh, there’s a whole catalog of back episodes that you can access where you can find us pretty much anywhere you can find. Um, podcasts. We’re on Google podcasts. We’re on, uh, iTunes, Stitcher all over the place.

You can Google us two guys in a chainsaw podcast. You can find our webpage and our Facebook page, where we have a lot of fun interacting with you. You can leave us a post on the page or you can PM us. And we do everything that we can to get back to everybody. And if you have any requests, we will certainly add them to the list until next time I’m Craig.

And I’m Todd with Two Guys and a Chainsaw.

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