Tagged: Horror

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors

We started this podcast with the Wes Craven film The People Under the Stairs, and so we tackled one of our favorite Freddy Krueger films, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors.

This iconic entry in the franchise set the stage for a series of successful sequels and is responsible for cementing Freddy Krueger into the pop culture forever. It may not have aged particularly well, but we had a hard time giving too many harsh words to this favorite from our childhoods. Do you remember it well? Give this a listen and let us know YOUR thoughts and memories from this movie. 

And a special thanks to all the listeners who have stuck with us through the years. Here’s to another 150!

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Thanksgiving Special: Blood Rage

Happy Thanksgiving, Americans! We’re happy to treat to you this long-lost slasher film with all the trimmings: cheesy 80’s music, hilarious over-the-top gore effects, laughable acting, and ridiculous writing. Whip it out to wake up your relatives during the post-turkey food coma phase of your celebration. Just remember, everyone: That isn’t cranberry sauce!

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Stuart Gordon sure has the market cornered on killer doll movies. This more or less kicked off a line of low-budget features in the same vein that would sit on video shelves for decades.

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Burnt Offerings

We varied a bit on our final assessment of this admittedly classic haunted house story, starring the incomparable Karen Black and Bette Davis. But you’ll want to listen primarily to hear Greg gush over Bette Davis.

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Happy Halloween! We end our series with the latest from Rob Zombie, aptly titled “31”.

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Trick or Treats

Part four of our Halloween extravaganza was a fun episode to record. That doesn’t necessarily mean the movie was fun. Listen for some laughs, but stick around for some fascinating movie history surrounding the director of this otherwise laughable cinematic attempt.