Tagged: comedy

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Brain Damage

And this one did not disappoint. Come listen to us gush over the trippy, Lynchian and utterly fascinating “Brain Dead” from 1988 – and wonder aloud why we hadn’t heard much about this independent horror flick before! Help us rescue it from obscurity. Enjoy!

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Stage Fright

As we’ve already reviewed a couple of his films and told stories of his notorious dismissal of the horror genre of which he was so entwined, we decided to pick the most interesting of the remaining films for this week’s episode. Stage Fright is certainly an oddity of its time. Billed as a stylish 80’s thriller, we found it a bit of a pedestrian bore. Nevertheless, Ravice’s performance stands out, and we’re honored to pay tribute to his career and notoriety here today. Enjoy!

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Chris Rock’s Saw not-really-a-sequel vanity project doesn’t exactly showcase the comedian’s considerable acting talents. Join us as we puzzle through Saw, reimagined as a police procedural – for better or for worse.

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Satan’s Slaves

Todd gives his review from Jakarta, which also explains the delay in getting this latest episode out. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy!

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The Menu

The whole relationship between artists and its patrons, food and foodie culture is cooked up and served for discussion, critique, and pointed action as one rogue chef (played by Ralph Fiennes) decides he’s had enough. Equal parts hilarious, pretentious and unsettling, we clearly both lapped up the wicked dish that director Mark Mylod was serving.

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The Manitou

The Manitou falls into that rare space in-between, where it’s so well-done and sincerely committed to its wack-a-doodle premise from start to finish that we giddily enjoyed every bizarre, jaw-dropping moment. Where was this Tony Curtis flick all our lives? Why had we not heard of it before? Enjoy your introduction, loyal listeners, and PLEASE let us know your thoughts as well!