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No new episode this week :(

Our apologies for the lack of episode this week, our second week in a row of silence. The short story is that Todd’s editing computer...


Near Dark

Our tribute episode to the late, great Bill Paxton, who puts a chilling yet lovable turn on the classic vampire-biker-western genre.

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House (1986)

So it’s a bit goofy and dated, but where else can you see The Greatest American Hero as a popular novelist and PTSD-afflicted Vietnam War vet wresting his son back from his aunt’s evil house? Nowhere else, my friends. Nowhere else.


Tales From the Hood

Although we are clearly not the target audience for this film, we did find some redeeming qualities in this otherwise missable flick. Plus you get to hear two white guys stumbling over themselves to remain objective about subjects with which they have little to no experience.

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Shaun of the Dead

Simon Pegg’s debut to American audiences fires on all cylinders as a rollicking comedy. Yet it’s the strong characters and heart that elevates this far above most of the other horror comedies we’ve reviewed thus far.

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The Bird With the Crystal Plumage

This directorial debut by horror legend Dario Argento also happens to be both his first and perhaps most accessible feature film – so popular in Italy that it played at a single theater in Milan for several years.