Category: podcast episodes

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Leave The World Behind

A star-studded cast including Ethan Hawke, Julia Roberts, and two-time Academy Award-winner Mahershala Ali ushers in the potential apocalypse as a mysterious event throws off a family’s weekend getaway in upstate New York.

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All My Friends Are Dead

A New Year’s Eve party goes awry and everyone ends up dying. It’s like a horror version of American Pie, and it really surprised us! Thanks, Patrons, for choosing our first episode of 2024!

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It’s A Wonderful Knife

Man, we really REALLY wanted to love this film. The title, the concept, the trailers, the writer, and even some of our favorite horror actors involved (Justin Long!) had us looking forward to settling down to a nice holiday treat for horror fans. But ultimately we felt it was a bit disappointing. Listen and find out why! Merry Christmas to all our loyal listeners. We are thankful you’re around.

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Blood Beat

This whacked-out 1983 movie is our unlikely favorite holiday pick of the month so far. Kind of lost until it was re-released properly by Vinegar Syndrome, this visual wonder was thrown together by a bunch of amateur filmmakers and non-actors. And they accomplished something so bizarre and nonsensical that we couldn’t take our eyes off the screen. Enjoy!

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All The Creatures Were Stirring

For the second in our holiday horror series, we decided to try this anthology that LOOKED promising due to the recognizable faces in it. But...

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Black Friday

A movie based on the Black Friday shopping phenomenon holds a lot of promise. With this 2021 film, unfortunately, it’s another case of “great concept, poor execution”. Even Bruce Campbell couldn’t save this uneven and mostly un-funny horror-comedy. But at least there’s a ton of holiday spirit in there! We sure enjoyed chatting about it, and discussing OUR memories of Black Friday madness. Enjoy!