Tagged: movie

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Thank you, Darren, for pointing us in the direction of Triangle – a solid thriller that we enjoyed a lot. Assuming, of course you wanted us to review 2009’s Triangle and not 2016’s The Triangle…

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Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark

This movie adaptation takes the imagery from the book’s nightmarish illustrations, and the urban legend tales that spooked us out so much as kids, and combines them into a “kids’ horror film” that manages to be the dark, twisted, no-holds-barred kids’ horror film that we have often lamented from our childhoods. A pleasant surprise and a fun film to talk about.


Graduation Day

Thanks to Dave for recommending this hilarious, so-bad-it’s-good movie as we sit at home in isolation.

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Needful Things

We picked this movie because he had such a prominent role. Have a look at yet another Stephen King adaptation and see how it stacks up to the book.


The Fury

To be fair, Kirk Douglas is a legend. And so is Brian De Palma, the director. And so is John Williams, the composer. Actually, this film had a lot going for it, but as De Palma’s follow-up to Carrie, we were left wanting.

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The Witches

It turned out to be much scarier than we remembered, making it a perfect selection to continue our month of family-friendly horror films. And the remake is on the way, so we’ll see how it measures up to the original.