Tagged: comedy

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This “horror” film would have been better off as part of our kids’ horror movie theme months. Nevertheless, we both held curiously fond memories about the inaugural episode of this long-lasting series of films. Starring Warwick Davis, Leprechaun went to some crazy places – Vegas, The Hood (twice) and even outer space. We decided we’d start tackling this franchise by starting with the first, starring a fresh-faced Jennifer Aniston in her first film role, just a year before Friends.

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The Omen

It was this movie – 1976’s The Omen – that brought him out of TV directing and into a wildly successful career in feature films. A solid entry into the “satanic cult craze” of late 70’s horror (which started with The Exorcist), it features a practically-out-of-retirement Gregory Peck as the stepfather of the antichrist.

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We feel fully justified in pulling out one of our favorite movies ever and reliving it with you this holiday season. Happy Holidays, loyal listeners!

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If you learn nothing else about Witchtrap, you must know this: It is NOT a sequel to Witchboard! It just has the same writer, director, actors, poster art, and villain character design. It’s super-dumb, but its saving grace is that it also has: Linnea Quigley! Enjoy the episode, you chuckleheads.

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Tammy and the T-Rex

Is it horror? Well, the R-rated “gore version” certainly is, and that’s naturally the version we reviewed. But it’s also a self-aware screwball comedy that is dated as hell in the most lovely way possible. Have a listen and see if you can log into Shudder or some other streaming service to watch this jaw-droppingly fun film. Then come back here and revisit it with us.

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The god-awful yet fun and endearing Pieces even has a few actors we are familiar with, and some truly laugh-out-loud moments along with a moment or two of accidental brilliance. See it with friends, and listen to us pull it apart and put it back together.